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City Place Slry Lofts Final Environmentallmpact Report Findings <br />TABLE 9-I <br />COMPARISON OF THE IMPACTS OF THE CITY PLACE SKY LOFTS PROJECT <br />AND THE PROJECT ALTERNATIVES <br />IMPACT <br />CATEGORY PROPOSED CITY <br />PLACE SKY LOFTS <br />PROJECT NO PROJECT/ <br />EXISTING <br />CONDITIONS NO PROJECT/ <br />EXISTING <br />ENTITLEMENT TOWN HOME <br />ALTERNATIVE <br />Transportation A temporary significant No impact. Potential short-term Impacts to <br />and Traffic and unavoidable impacts to transportation and <br /> adverse impact to Main transportation and traffic would be <br /> Street between La Veta traffic would be below a level of <br /> Avenue and Town & below a level of significance and <br /> Country Road until significance and would be less than <br /> Bristol Street and Grand would be the proposed <br /> Avenue is built out to substantially less than project. <br /> the MPAH the proposed project. <br /> designations. Other <br /> impacts to <br /> transportation and <br /> traffic would be below a <br /> level of significance <br /> with implementation of <br /> miti ation measures. <br />Utilities and Impacts to utilities and No Impact. Impacts related to Similar impacts as <br />Service service systems would utilities and service under the proposed <br />Systems be below a level of systems would be project; however, <br /> significance with below a level of impacts would be <br /> implementation of significance and less than the <br /> mitigation measures. would be proposed project. <br /> substantially less than <br /> the ro osed roject. <br />The proposed project meets all the defined project objectives. The Town Home Alternative meets all but <br />one of the project objectives. Both the No Project Alternatives fail to meet any of the defined project <br />objectives. However, the No Project/Existing Conditions Alternative does avoid all the significant <br />adverse impacts of the proposed project and other project alternatives because site conditions would <br />remain as they currently exist. <br />Although the No Project/Existing Entitlements Alternative fails to meet any of the defined project <br />objectives, the impacts of this Alternative would be substantially less than the impacts under the proposed <br />project. This is because this Alternative would result in a substantial reduction of development on the <br />project site. Therefore, this Alternative would eliminate the significant unavoidable adverse impacts <br />associated with the proposed project and would result in substantially less impacts than under the <br />proposed project. <br />6.5 ENVIRONMENTALLY SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE <br />Section 15126.6(e)(2) of the CEQA Guidelines requires that an EIR identify the environmentally superior <br />alternative. If the No Project Alternative is the environmentally superior alternative, the EIR must <br />identify an environmentally superior alternative among the remaining alternatives. <br />As shown in Table 9-l, the proposed project is anticipated to result in significant unavoidable adverse <br />impacts related to: <br />h': I PROJ-ENVI City Place Sky Loftsl Final EIRI Findings-SOCI Findings-SOC. doc Page 30 <br />Januarv 23, 2009 <br />75A-140 <br />