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ii'itnnuu F.rai~rprisics, l.1.(' <br />1!'lonitorin~ of Itegulator-~~ and Reimbursement Changes <br />~~ittman I~:ntcrprises. I.LC semis out updates to the City regardin~~ regulator~~ changes ~~ia email. <br />Management staf-f is mailable to ans~~er any questions that the Cite may have regarding these <br />chan~~es ~~r any' other aspects ol- compliance. 1\'e ha~'e at our disposal the tools necessary to <br />}~rt~~ i~'.e t};urough and complete rate and reimbursement an~il~'sis fir the 9ledicare Fee Schedule <br />Irnplementatiun flan. ~l~hcsc fouls arc updated regularly' «~ith an~~ chan~~es to the contents of-the <br />ticdicarc hn>ces~~ so the intcarit.,~ of am' anal~~sis is maintained. <br />'1'rainin:! of 5ta1.1' <br />I:mhiu~~ee~ are subiect to an initial Dour ~~ eck trainin~z period in ~~~hich they gain kno~~'(edgc of <br />thL cumptiter sl'steui- hu~~~ to gather insurance information. avid ho~~- to na~~igate our billing <br />sc~it~~;uc. In addition, all Customer Ser~~ice IZepresentati~~es ha~~e continuous customer ser~~ice <br />training. I-:ach ne~~ emplo~~ee has a 9U-da~~ period ~~-here 100 percent oI~ his or her «~ork is <br />audited 1~~r accuracy. }oh kno~~lcd~~c. and hrotcssionalism. «~~ continuously train our sta11- <br />thro~<<~h ~u~~nth;~ tal-f- inectin~; that co~~~r a ~~ariet~~ ul~ tupi~ from ~ledicarc I~rainin~a to <br />C~.i~trn~er Sc~r~, ice issues <br />t)~ar Medicare and :'~~ledi-Cal Specialists. as ~~ell as the Re~emic :assurance ~7~cam. are updated <br />pia email ~~f any ch~in~aes that ma~~ be implemented. ~f~his intorulation is passed on through the <br />rnontlil~ staff mccti~i~~ c>r if needed the~~ arc passed on inim~diatel}~ pia dcpartm~nt memos. <br />1~~1an~~~~tntont Staticmeets on a «~ekl~~ basis to discuss an~~ industry' or go~'el-~unent pa_~~er chan~ues <br />that ha~c occurred arul the hest course of action for implementation. <br />:ail iieparu»ents ha~c a company' manual that outlines each indi~~idua] client-s contacts, pulicies- <br />a~xi ~peciSic r~ccd It i~ updated on a regi_ilar basis. Our rnanageu~ent stat-f participates in on- <br />~oin,.! ccrtificutcd training ~,n management and customer scr~ice. ~'~~e helier~e that education is <br />the key tip prop iding excellent ser~'ice to our clients. <br />Re~'enur I•:nhancement 'I'rainin <br />~~'itu»an Enterprises. I.LC is a~'ailable to pro~~idc rc~-cnue enhancement training! l«r the Cite. <br />~~'~ asu ~~tli:r documentation u-airting fir field personnel. phis is helpful in maintaining <br />compliance ~l~ith ~ao~~crnn~ental requirement, and helps in the building ot-a partnership bct~~~en <br />the (iel~l cre~~~; and the hillin~~ office. <br />Cin~ ojSarrlu.gna FireDeprrrtment <br />f9 <br />25C-18 <br />