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given the option of participating in one of several breakout groups <br />(which would likely include the following): <br />• Regional Collaboration <br />• Communications (Interoperability/Mass Notification) <br />• CBRNE Detection, Response, and Decontamination <br />• Strengthening Planning (Citizen Preparedness and Continuity of <br />Operations) <br />• Evacuation, Shelter -in -Place, and Mass Care <br />• Critical Resource Logistics <br />Willdan facilitators will guide a discussion that focuses on <br />accomplishments made since 2004 (or another predetermined year), <br />the capabilities that resulted from these accomplishments, objectives for <br />upcoming years, and initiatives underway to meet those goals. All <br />discussion points will be captured by a Willdan provided note -taker and <br />incorporated into a summary report outlining the key points from the <br />day. In order to share findings and ensure all relevant information is <br />included in this report, each breakout group will share its findings with <br />the entire audience at the end of the afternoon. <br />4) Workshop After -Action Report (August, 2009): This step includes <br />Willdan's development of the Homeland Security Strategy Workshop <br />After -Action Report and engagement of participants and program <br />managers in a review of the first draft. Because the information in this <br />Report will likely affect the development of future grant applications, it is <br />important for all interested parties to have an opportunity to comment on <br />and understand the priorities. A proposed AAR outline is included <br />below: <br />a. Executive Summary <br />b. Urban Area Overview: Provides background on the ASAUA and <br />a summary of the process used to collect feedback from <br />stakeholders when creating the strategy. <br />c. Compliance: Assesses the Urban Area's compliance with the <br />national preparedness system, National Incident Management <br />System, National Response Framework, and other related plans <br />and California state strategies. <br />d. Priorities: Reports on the Urban Area's accomplishments, <br />discusses current capabilities, provides three-year targets for <br />capabilities, identifies current initiatives, and discusses monetary <br />and non -monetary resources dedicated to each priority. <br />5) After -Action Conference (September, 2009): Willdan will deliver the <br />Workshop AAR for lead stakeholders to review and provide comment. <br />Final stakeholder comments will be incorporated into the final AAR <br />