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Proposal for San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR <br />Prepared for: CITY of SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT B: SCOPE OF WORK <br />8. Estimate trip generation associated with construction activity based on information <br />provided by the project team. <br />9. Route estimated construction traffic to study area intersections based on the construction <br />routes. <br />10. Assess the intersection Level of Service (LOS) and roadway segment capacities for <br />existing (2010) conditions. <br />11. Assess the intersection Level of Service (LOS) and roadway segment capacities under <br />existing plus construction traffic conditions, assuming potential lane closures and the <br />addition of construction traffic associated with the proposed project. <br />12. Identify and recommend appropriate mitigation for the construction phase that would <br />reduce construction impacts and improve the performance at the study intersections under <br />existing plus construction traffic conditions. <br />13. Summarize the potential impacts due to construction traffic and mitigation <br />recommendations in a letter report. <br />Submittal of Report <br />14. The report will be submitted. <br />Task 3.3 - Noise Impact Analysis <br />In order to address the project's potential to create noise levels in excess of the City's standards, <br />Urban Crossroads, Inc. will prepare a noise impact analysis that will focus primarily on the <br />construction - related impacts associated with the project. As part of this task, Urban Crossroads will <br />undertake the following work efforts: <br />1. Review aerial photos and maps to identify the noise sensitive locations in the study area <br />that may be significantly impacted by construction noise as well as the City of Santa Ana <br />construction noise standards. <br />2. Identify the existing noise barriers in the study area. Evaluate the condition, height, <br />construction material (masonry block, iron fence, wood) and the potential for gaps or <br />decorative cutouts that may diminish the barrier's effective noise reduction. <br />3. Evaluate the existing noise environment and determine the ambient noise conditions <br />including traffic noise and noise from the existing surrounding commercial uses. Obtain <br />15- minute short-term noise level measurements in the vicinity of the project at up to four <br />(4) locations and 24 -hour noise level measurements at up to four (4) locations. <br />4. Identify the construction phases, schedule and equipment to evaluate the potential noise <br />impacts to the noise sensitive locations in the study area and obtain reference noise levels <br />for the major construction noise sources (equipment) related to this project. <br />5. Calculate the construction related noise impacts and quantify the overall noise impacts <br />from the equipment used to the existing noise sensitive land uses. <br />Page B -4 <br />