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Transit Zoning CodelProposed Development <br /> May 27, 200 <br /> Page l <br /> -fhe code allows for greater flexibility of parking provision by using the concept of shared parking <br /> for non-residential uses and establishes parking ratios by district with less emphasis on <br /> establishing parking by use. Finally, the code establishes detailed development standards for <br /> building and parking location, building massing and open space. It also regulates building <br /> architecture through standards and guidelines. The Transit Zoning code provides explicit <br /> requirements and direction for developers. In doing so, it provides developers with greater <br /> certainty, including fewer discretionary actions. <br /> "fhe Transit Zoning Code also provides a framework for the development of compact, transit- <br /> oriented development that contains a mix of residential, commercial and professional uses in order <br /> to address the City's and the region's goals of providing sites for housing in already urbanized <br /> locations that are adjacent to transit, thereby reducing vehicle trips and related greenhouse gas <br /> emissions, as well as stimulating investment in underutilized land, and improving the jobslhousing <br /> balance within the City. The Transit Zoning Code area is ideally located for increased growth by its <br /> proximity to major transit systems and its adjacency to existing residential communities and an <br /> established gridded street network. The proposed Transit Zoning Code supports the existing <br /> transportation network, and creates amenity-enriched connections between the Government <br /> Center and Rail Station, and improves area-wide walkability. The Transit Zoning Code also plays <br /> a critical role in achieving targets under SB 315, California's Sustainable Communities and Climate <br /> Protection Act. <br /> To encourage affordable housing within the project area, the TZC provides parking and private <br /> open space incentives that result in additional developable area. ~fhis co~ild translate into <br /> additional units or open space. "fhe City will also be working to study the potential for additional <br /> affordable housing programs, which could include expanded opportunities to apply the provisions <br /> of the State's Density Bonus Ordinance or establish an inclusionary housing program, The City will <br /> also be moving forward with the implementation of its recently approved and certified Housing <br /> Element, which includes many provisions aimed at stimulating the supply of affordable housing. <br /> "fhe adoption of new zoning is often misinterpreted as being the same as the approval of a <br /> development project. As a point of clarification, zoning, in and of itself, does not require property <br /> owners to redevelop their properties. Indeed, with the exception of the Agency-owned parcels that <br /> would be developed under the Developer Project, all properties within the Transit Zoning Code <br /> area may not change. -fhe new standards would only apply if the private property owner wished to <br /> redevelop their property. Most of the new zones provide for very similar uses to those that exist <br /> today. For those properties where the new zones would be very different from the existing zones, <br /> such as the Industrially-zoned properties, overlay zones were created in order to allow these uses <br /> <br /> to continue without becoming non-conforming uses. vllith the exception of the Developer Project <br /> and other minor Agency sponsored projects, there are no other proposals for new projects within <br /> <br /> the project area. <br /> <br />