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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0826 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />CONSULTANT shall provide a section in the technical memorandum deliverable, <br />as described in Section 3.1.6, to AUTHORITY detailing the findings of the <br />completed TSS Alignment Final Report review. <br />3.1 .3 TASK A-3: BRISTOL/STATE COLLEGE BRT CORRIDOR TSS DESIGN <br />FINALIZATION SERVICES — REVIEW COMPLETED DATA COLLECTION <br />Previous consultant collected all data necessary to thoroughly understand <br />existing traffic conditions along the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor to facilitate <br />the development of optimal time -of -day traffic signal synchronization plans. <br />Previous consultant collected from the affected agencies the following: <br />1. Existing timing sheets <br />2. Existing synchronization plans <br />3. Existing synchronization zones <br />4. Traffic signal as -built drawings <br />5. Traffic signal communication as -built drawings <br />6. Traffic Management System as -built drawings <br />7. Aerial photos <br />8. Maps <br />Previous consultant also collected from affected agencies signal timing and <br />signal priority preferences, including, but not limited to, those related to <br />pedestrian and bicycle timing, leading and lagging left -turn phasing, and <br />conditional service, as well as the timing optimization software preference. <br />Previous consultant conducted all required seven-day 24-hour machine traffic <br />counts, and axle traffic counts at AUTHORITY approved locations. Data <br />obtained from Saturday traffic counts was used to determine the necessity of <br />weekend signal timing. Thirty-six (36) machine traffic counts were collected for <br />the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor at approximately one -mile spacing. <br />Previous consultant conducted weekday peak period turning movement traffic <br />counts at all study intersections, including pedestrian and bicycle counts. <br />Weekday counts were conducted for two hours of each peak period (AM, mid- <br />day, and PM). Weekend turning movement traffic counts were conducted for a <br />single two-hour Saturday mid -day peak period. <br />Peak period turning movement traffic counts were collected at 96 of the 97 <br />approved signalized intersections along the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor. <br />Scope of Work 31 05/18/10 <br />