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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0826 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />need special operational analysis of queue interactions such as starvation or <br />spillback. The operational analysis shall be used to supplement the "Before" and <br />"After" studies, to understand the effects of planned corridor improvements, fine <br />tune timing plans prior to implementation, and to analyze the additional <br />operational improvements as recommended by CONSULTANT. The entire <br />corridor does not have to be micro — simulated. Analysis shall be performed on <br />corridor segments that have queuing, starvation, spillback, or other problems <br />which can be mitigated by the SimTraffic program. <br />CONSULTANT shall develop final optimized signal timings using Synchro 7.0, <br />and recommend any changes to the signal phasing at each signalized <br />intersection that may improve the efficiency of operations. The recommended <br />final signal timing plans shall be reviewed for comments by the AUTHORITY and <br />agencies' staffs. <br />CONSULTANT shall evaluate signal timing and coordination parameters with <br />consideration for the following: <br />1. Review and verification of completed design documentation provided and <br />update the signal timing and coordination parameters as deemed <br />appropriate through review findings, field observations, etc. <br />2. Optimum coordination timing, lead/lag or lead/lead left -turn phasing as <br />deemed appropriate (except at Protected/Permissive locations, where <br />phasing will be lead/lead only), double or half cycling, and other such <br />techniques. <br />3. Timing parameters which provide adequate splits and corresponding <br />offsets which fully accommodate pedestrians within the split time. <br />CONSULTANT shall take into consideration the pedestrian timing <br />parameters used by the local agency on a case by case basis. <br />4. Timing parameters which incorporate minimal pedestrian activity to <br />provide the optimum vehicle split and offset timing and accommodate <br />pedestrians using various pedestrian timing adjustment techniques for <br />pedestrian splits during coordination. <br />5. Appropriate cycle lengths and signal groupings consistent with the goals <br />of this effort. Preliminary proposed cycle lengths and signal groupings <br />were developed by the previous consultant and presented to the agencies <br />for review and comment. All agency preliminary comments have been <br />addressed by the previous consultant. Additionally, the previous <br />consultant has recommended time -of -day start and stop intervals for the <br />various timing plans. <br />6. CONSULTANT shall update, at minimum, timing plans which consider the <br />following peak periods: a.m. peak, mid -day peak, p.m. peak and one <br />Scope of Work 38 05/18/10 <br />