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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />CONSULTANT shall provide equipment installation schedule for the <br />Westminster/17?" Street BRT Corridor showing the activities, days, and locations <br />that the equipment will be installed and tested. The installation schedule shall <br />also indicate any implementation work that may be conducted by others at the <br />same intersections under separate projects. <br />CONSULTANT shall furnish AUTHORITY with four (4) hard copies and four (4) <br />electronic copies (in a media approved in writing by AUTHORITY) of a written <br />timetable showing the proposed schedule of work. The schedule of work shall <br />be submitted for approval to AUTHORITY and the agencies at least thirty (30) <br />days prior to the beginning of the equipment installation and shall be updated on <br />a monthly basis thereafter for the duration of the TSS Implementation Phase. <br />Westminster/17th Street BRT Corridor TSS Implementation Services deliverables <br />(in part to include): <br />C3a. Signal Synchronization Equipment Installation Schedule. <br />4.4.4 TASK C-4: WESTMINSTER/17TH STREET BRT CORRIDOR TSS <br />IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES -EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION <br />COORDINATION, INSTALLATION MANPOWER, AND INSTALLATION <br />RESTRICTIONS <br />CONSULTANT shall coordinate installation, modification, and/or upgrade of <br />traffic signal equipment with the AUTHORITY and the agencies. CONSULTANT <br />shall coordinate the work of the various trades and crafts to avoid possible <br />interferences, duplication of work, or unfinished gaps, and conflicts between <br />operations. The various trades and crafts shall agree that, due to field <br />conditions, minor departures from the improvement plans are bound to occur, <br />and that such departures are self compensation so far as cost of additions or <br />deductions are concerned. No claims for extras or time extensions will be <br />allowed in connection with such minor changes due solely to field conditions. <br />It shall be construed that each subcontract is an integral part of the CONTRACT <br />and CONSULTANT shall provide and maintain, in full operation, at all times <br />during the performance of the CONTRACT, a "sufficient" crew of laborers, <br />mechanics, inspectors, and foremen to execute the work with dispatch. All <br />implementation related efforts and operations shall be continuous and sustained. <br />The term "sufficient" is defined to mean to provide a crew equal to the work of <br />the various trades required by all parts of the project -whether simultaneously or <br />in the successive sequence of implementation - as soon as each is ready to be <br />performed so that no delays on any portion of the project shall occur. <br />To the extent possible, the work at the intersections shall be spaced such that <br />they would minimize potential traffic impacts. <br />Scope of Work 90 05/18/'1 O