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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />CONSULTANT shall notify AUTHORITY, agencies, and utility companies of its <br />intent to begin work at least thirty-six (36) hours before work is begun. <br />CONSULTANT shall cooperate with AUTHORITY and agencies in handling <br />traffic through the work area. <br />If necessary, a traffic signal turn-off will require agencies' approval. Two (2) <br />weeks prior to any turn-off of the traffic signals, CONSULTANT shall coordinate <br />with AUTHORITY and the agencies, or their assigned representatives, of the <br />anticipated schedule for the turn-off. Notice of the scheduled signal turn-off shall <br />be made to AUTHORITY and the agencies, or their assigned representatives, in <br />writing at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the signal turn-off. <br />CONSULTANT shall make arrangements with AUTHORITY and the agencies for <br />all traffic signal shutdowns. CONSULTANT shall provide all necessary signing <br />and traffic control devices for the traffic control prior to and during each traffic <br />signal turn-off. <br />Traffic signal work shall not commence until such time that CONSULTANT <br />notifies AUTHORITY and the agencies, or their assigned representatives, in <br />writing of the date that all furnished materials and equipment are received, and <br />said work shall start within seven (7) days after said date. <br />No materials or equipment shall be stored at the job sites unless written <br />authorization is provided by AUTHORITY and the agencies, or their assigned <br />representatives, authorizing said materials to be stored. The job sites shall be <br />maintained in a neat and orderly condition at all times. All equipment storage <br />and transport shall be CONSULTANT's responsibility. <br />Materials and equipment shall be stored so as not to create a public nuisance <br />and to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. No <br />materials or equipment shall be stored at the project site unless its use is <br />imminent. <br />Westminster/17th Street BRT Corridor TSS Implementation Services deliverables <br />(in part to include): <br />C4a. Signal Synchronization Equipment AUTHORITY/agencies Notifications. <br />4.4.5 TASK C-5: WESTMINSTER/17TH STREET BRT CORRIDOR TSS <br />IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES -EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION GUARANTEE <br />CONSULTANT shall guarantee the entire work installed by it under this <br />CONTRACT and will fully meet all requirements as to quality of workmanship <br />and labor furnished by it. CONSULTANT shall make, at its own expense, any <br />repairs or replacements made necessary by defects in workmanship and labor <br />furnished by it that become evident within one (1) year after BRT Final <br />Acceptance of the work for all corridors and to restore to full compliance with the <br />Scope of Work 91 05/18/1 O