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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />TABLE 4-3 <br />Westminster/'17? S?BRT Corridor <br />TSS Time-Reference Equipment Recommendations <br />, I ntersection TSS Time=?.+efex'eruce Equipment <br />Agency <br /> Arterial ' Crass'Street xieCOmmendation <br />Caltrans 17th Street I-5 NB Ramps /Santiago Street gps <br />Garden Grove Westminster Avenue Roxey Street gps <br />Note: gps =gps time source receiver <br />CONSULTANT shall test all furnished traffic signal equipment (including <br />software) as required by AUTHORITY, Caltrans, agencies, and equipment <br />manufacturer(s) prior to the installation of any equipment (including software). If <br />malfunctions, problems, or other issues related to the testing of equipment are <br />observed by the CONSULTANT, the AUTHORITY shall be notified in writing <br />within twenty-four (24) hours. <br />Upon written authorization by the AUTHORITY, CONSULTANT shall procure <br />and install, or assist local agency staff in installing, any devices that are part of <br />the time-referencing strategy. This may include devices installed at the agency <br />traffic management center or at traffic signal controller cabinets. <br />Agencies shall be responsible for local intersection inspection services on the <br />installation of field work and equipment. Agencies shall be responsible for the <br />inspection and installation of any central master, field master, controller units or <br />assemblies and any related communications systems with oversight by the <br />AUTHORITY. CONSULTANT shall work under the constraints of construction <br />specifications and standards of each local agency and Caltrans. Caltrans <br />personnel will be responsible for the removal and installation of any Caltrans <br />owned or operated intersection controller systems. CONSULTANT will be <br />responsible for all other intersection systems modifications, removal, <br />installations, etc. <br />CONSULTANT shall provide onsite assistance for turn-on of any new or modified <br />equipment. <br />CONSULTANT shall obtain all permits and pay all fees required by the agencies <br />necessitated by its operations for this SOW and no additional compensation for <br />fees will be allowed, therefore. CONSULTANT shall obtain all required <br />encroachment permits from Caltrans District 12. CONSULTANT shall pay any <br />and all Caltrans District 12 labor fees to install new and remove existing <br />equipment (controllers). CONSULTANT shall include all encroachment permit <br />costs in a lump sum price. AUTHORITY will not allow or approve any extra <br />costs. AUTHORITY will endeavor but not guarantee to have permit requirements <br />and associated fees removed or waived. All permits obtained shall be kept in a <br />readily available place on the job site at all times during equipment installation. <br />Scope of Work 88 05/18/1 O