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PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />ROLL CALL: The Regular Meeting of the Santa Ana Planning Commission was called <br />to order and conducted by Chairman Mondo in the City Council Chambers, 22 Civic <br />Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California. Roll call was answered by Chairman Mondo <br />and Commissioners Brown, Oliver, Nalle, Pedroza, and Segura. Also in attendance <br />were Robyn Uptegraff, Executive Director; Kenneth Adams, Planning Manager; other <br />City staff in attendance: Richard Lay, Assistant City Attorney; Charles View, <br />Senior Planner; Jeffry Rice, Senior Planner; Sergio Klotz, Associate Planner; <br />Marta Crane Assistant Planner II; Bill Apple, Assistant Planner II; Pam Lucado, <br />Public Works Agency, Vicki Uehli, Community Development Agency, Mike McCoy of the <br />Santa Ana Police Department; and Sharon McCain-Johnson, Recording Secretary. <br />' PLSDGS OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman <br />Mondo. <br />PROCEDURAL RULES: The procedural rules for the session were read by Chairman <br />Mondo. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS' <br />1. VARIANCH NO. 95-5. (Marta Crane) <br />Filed by Mr. Ralph Espinoza for a reduction in required lot size and site <br />circulation requirements to facilitate the construction of an office <br />building located at 1502 South Greenville Street in the General Commercial <br />(C1) zoning district. <br />(Continued by Planning Commission September 25, 1995 to October 9, 1995) <br />LEGAL NOTICE: September 15, 1995 <br />PUBLIC NOTICES MAILED: September 15, 1995 <br />Approve Variance No. 95-5 as conditioned by staff and adopt the findings <br />as submitted by staff. <br />At the Planning Commission meeting of September 25, 1995, the vote was <br />deadlocked 3:3. The Planning Commission decided to continue the action <br />until October 9, 1995 when a full quorum was anticipated. As there were <br />still only six commissioners present at the meeting, Mr. Adams advised the <br />Commission of three options according to the bylaws 1) offer the applicant <br />a denial and he could appeal the decision; 2) a commissioner could change <br />their vote; or 3) continue the case until a full quorum is present. <br />The applicant Mr. Ralph Espinoza, expressed his preference to continue <br />action on Variance No. 95-5. <br />Commissioner Pedroza informed the Commission that she would not be present <br />at the next meeting and requested the Commission to consider a 30 day <br />continuance. <br />Chairman Mondo moved to continue Variance No. 95-5 for 30 days. The <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Nalle. <br />AYES: Mondo, Brown, Oliver, Nalle, Pedroza, and Segura <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Doughty <br />2. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 95-07; AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 95-06; AND <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-21. (Bill Apple) <br />Filed by Mr. Ted Vandling to change the General Plan and zoning to a <br />Commercial designation and allow a drive-through service at a restaurant <br />located at 1325-1331 East Seventeenth Street. <br />LEGAL NOTICE: September 28, 1995 <br />PUBLIC NOTICES MAILED: September 27, 1995 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />1. Recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution approving General <br />Plan Amendment No. 95-07 to amend the Land Uae Element of the <br />General Plan; <br />2. Recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving <br />Amendment Application No. 95-06; and <br />3. Approve Conditional Use Permit No. 95-21 as conditioned by staff and <br />adopt the findings as submitted by staff. <br />Mr. Bill Apple, Assistant Planner II, displayed slides and gave an <br />overview of the applicant's request to allow a drive-through lane at a <br />proposed restaurant within a vacant building. <br />PIANNQlG COMMISSION MPlVfES Ocmbcr 9, 1995 <br />3 <br />