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_. _, ~._ .z_ n ...........:....1 Promotion rnr F.nvirnnmental Review No. 99-109; and 2) <br />Moteon to: I) receive and file the Categorical Exemption for Environmental Review No. 99-109; and 2) <br />Adopt a resolution resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 99-28 as conditioned. <br />MOTION: Doughty SECONDED: Cribb <br />AYES: Verino, Mondo, Doughty, Solorio, and Cribb <br />OPPOSED: None <br />ABSENT: Nalle and Richardson <br />ABSTAINED: None <br />' 3. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 99-10 AND AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 99-08 <br />Filed by the City of Santa Ana to amend the zoning ordinance and various zoning designations to establish a <br />new zoning district known as the Commercial-South Main (C-SM) along South Main Street. <br />PUBLISHED IN TIIE REGISTER: December 17, 1999 <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: January 14, 2000 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />1. Recottunend that the Ciry Council approve and certify the Negative Declaration for Environmental <br />Review No. 168. <br />2. Recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. 99-08. <br />3. Recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. <br />99-10. <br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, presented the staff report, displayed areas on South Main Street that <br />were being considered for the rezoning, and staff recommendation. <br />' Ms. Vicki Uehli, Community Development Agency, discussed and described with the Commission the <br />recently approved rebate program for business owners who chose to perform property improvements to the <br />sites. <br />Corrunissioner Doughty asked if the rebate program encouraged interior improvements and handicap access. <br />Ms. Uehli responded that the rebate program was created for facade improvements only. <br />Commissioner Mondo asked how off-site parking would be addressed; and indicated that he believed it <br />would be appropriate for small scale signs such a newmetic signs when businesses change and he noted a <br />discrepancy in the staff report and ordittance related to medical clinics. Mr. Edwards stated that the <br />applicant would need to prove that there was adequate parking at their sites; it was staff s intention to allow <br />clinics; and he would explore the language concerning the signs. <br />Commissioner Solorio commented that he did not support plastic internally illuminated awning signs on <br />Main Street and he requested staff further consider whether or not health clinics should be a permitted use in <br />the area. <br />The following public members spoke m favor of the proposed rezoning but requested information regazding <br />increased parking demands due to the potential of new businesses, allowed uses in the new zone, and <br />potential impacts to taxes. In addition, it was requested that additional enforcement be given for pedestrian <br />traffic and possibly reducing the speed limit in the area: <br />Otto Bade <br />Barry Kahn <br />Louis Cazdenas <br />Motion recommending that the Ciry Council: 1) approve and certify the Negative Declazation for <br />Environmental review No. 99-168; 2) adopt an ordinance approving Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 99- <br />10; and 3) adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. 99-08. <br />MOTION: Doughty SECONDED: Cribb <br />