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04 - JOINT PH - Loan Agmts 703 N Lacy 702 S Raitt
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Successor Agency (Formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency) (1974-Present)
04 - JOINT PH - Loan Agmts 703 N Lacy 702 S Raitt
Entry Properties
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1/3/2012 3:33:49 PM
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6/23/2011 5:17:42 PM
City Clerk
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5. SECTION 8 TENANTS <br />When you do move, you maybe eligible to transfer your Section 8 eligibility to a replacement site. hi <br />such cases, a comparable replacement dwelling will be determined based on your family composition at <br />the time of displacement and the current housing progam criteria. This may not be the size of the unit you <br />currently occupy. Your relocation representative will provide counseling and other advisory services <br />along with moving benefits. <br />6. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PAYMENT -HOMEOWNERS <br />A. If you own and occupy a dwelling to be purchased by the Displacat~Age~cy for at least 180 days <br />prior to the initiation of negotiation, you may be eligible to receive a payment of up to $22,500.00 <br />to assist you in purchasing a comparable replacement unit. This payment is intended to cover the <br />following items: <br />1. Purchase Price Differential - An amount whrch,'v~hen added to the amount for which the <br />Displacing Agency purchased your property, equals the lesser of the actuaLpost of your <br />replacement dwelling; or the amount determined by they Displacing Agencyas necessary to <br />purchase a comparable replacement dwelling. Your rEl'€~eation representative will explain <br />both methods to you. <br />2. Mortgage Interest Differential -The amount which covers the increased interest costs, if <br />any, required to finance a replacement dwelling. Your relocation representative will <br />explain limiting conditions. E" <br />3. Incidental Expenses -Those one time iucitlental costs related to purchasing a replacement <br />unit, such as escrow fees, recording fees_~and credit repdrt fees. Recurring expenses such <br />as prepaid taxes and insurance premtunt `are not compensable. <br />B. Rental Asststanee Qption - If ybu are an owner-occupant and choose to rent rather than purchase <br />a replacement dwelling,,, you mazy be eligible far a dental assistance payment of up to the amount <br />that you could have received under the Purchasa,Ftice Differential, explained above. The payment <br />will be based on the diffeleirce between,tlie 1'd'r market rent of the dwelling you occupy and the <br />rent yoit`must pay far a comparable replacement dwelling. <br />;. <br />If°'you.receive a rental a&sistance ~ayxnent, as described above, and later decide to purchase a <br />replacement dwelling, you may apply for a payment equal to the amount you would have received <br />if you had initially purchased a comparable replacement dwelling, less the amount you have <br />already rece}VP(t as a rental assistance payment. <br />To qualify for a Replacement Housing Payment, you must rent or purchase and occupy a comparable <br />replacement unit within one year from the following: <br />• For a tenant, the date you move from the displacement dwelling. <br />For an owner-occupant, the latter o£ <br />a. The date you receive final payment for the displacement dwelling, or, in the case of <br />condemnation, the date the full amount of estimated just compensation is deposited in <br />court; or <br />b. The date the Displacing Agency fulfills its obligation to make available comparable <br />replacement dwellings. <br />4 -101 <br />
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