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(9) BENDER READY-MIX CONCRETE MANUFACTURING PROJECT <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, <br />and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? <br />No Impact. There are no officially-designated State scenic highways within proximity to the project <br />site.' Thus, current operations do not affect scenic resources within a state scenic highway, nor would <br />the identified on-site improvements associated with the project. For a discussion of potential impacts to <br />identified scenic corridors within the City, refer to Response 4.1(a), above. <br />Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. <br />C) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? <br />Less Than Significant Impact. ' <br />Short-Term Impacts <br /> , <br />Short-term construction activities associated with the proposed project would temporarily impact the <br />character/quality of the project site. Although the scope of construction activities associated with the <br />project would be relatively minor, exposed surfaces, construction debris, equipment, and truck traffic <br />would temporarily impact views from surrounding uses. However, the construction process would be <br />short-term (approximately three months) and impacts would cease upon project completion. Although <br />construction activities would occur in proximity to residential uses to the west, impacts are not expected <br />to be significant due to intervening uses (Union Pack railroad alignment), structures (block walls), and <br />current operations at the site that utilize heavy machinery and trucks. Thus, short-term impacts would <br />be less than significant. <br />Long-Term Impacts <br />The Bender Ready-Mix facility occurs within a fully developed, industrialized area. As stated above in <br />Response 4.1(a), no City-identified view corridors, City entries, or selected/screened views from a <br />highway are located in the site vicinity. No unique aesthetic resources or views exist in the site vicinity. <br />Given the range of heavy industrial uses in the area and lack of identified visual resources, the existing <br />Bender Ready-Mix facility does not substantially degrade the visual character or quality of the site and <br />its surroundings. <br />The proposed project would involve various aesthetic, drainage, water quality, and safety <br />, <br />enhancements. Aesthetic improvements would include landscaping, a new block wall, aesthetic <br />screening, and signage. Drainage/water quality improvements would consist of a detention/desilting <br />basin and on-site drainage conveyance facilities. Safety improvements would include fencing and the <br />repaving of South Santa Fe Street along the project frontage. <br />None of the improvements associated with the project would have an adverse impact on the visual <br />character or quality of the site or its surroundings. Rather, the project is expected to result in a <br />beneficial impact in regards to aesthetics. Additional landscaping would be incorporated along the <br />South Santa Fe Street frontage and western site boundary, a 10-foot high block wall would surround <br />the entire site, shielding operations from surrounding uses, aesthetic screening for roof-mounted <br />equipment would be installed, and new signage would be implemented along the project frontage. <br />Thus, no impact would occur in this regard. <br />' California Department of Transportation website, h, accessed , <br />January 28, 2011. <br />JULY 2011 4.1-2 AESTHETICS I <br />31A-34