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I Environmental Transportation Committee (ETAC) study session <br />1 City Council study session <br />2 Planning Commission hearings <br />2 City Council hearings <br />F. Deliverables: <br />10 per submittal Administrative Screencheck Draft EIR (assume three review cycles) <br />20 Draft EIR (for public review) <br />10 CD's that contain the Draft EIR <br />20 Final EIR (with CD's) <br />1 Electronic files (Print quality pdf, web ready pdf, editable file) <br />Note: Prior to start of work, software and programs used for data collection, <br />documentation and mapping shall be approved by City staff to affirm compatibility with <br />City systems. <br />IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />All work shall be performed in conformance with the latest City of Santa Ana, State Office of <br />Planning and Research, State Department of Transportation, OCTA and other involved <br />agencies' policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. <br />The documents and plans furnished under the Agreement shall be of a quality acceptable to <br />the City of Santa Ana. The criteria for acceptance shall be a product of neat appearance, <br />well organized, technically and grammatically correct, checked, and dated and having the <br />maker and checker identified. The minimum standard of appearance, organization and <br />content of the documents shall be that of similar types produced by the City and set forth in <br />related City of Santa Ana and other involved agencies' manuals. The Consultant shall <br />modify its work as necessary to meet the level of acceptability defined by the criteria above.. <br />V. PERFORMANCE PERIOD <br />The contract shall begin upon approval by the City Council, and the Consultant shall <br />commence work after notification to proceed by the City. Unless extended by contract <br />amendment, the contract shall terminate on December 1, 2013. The Consultant is advised <br />that any recommendation for contract award is not binding on the City until the Agreement <br />and all pertinent paperwork are fully executed and approved by the City Council. <br />VF/Mater DeMMater Dei RFP scope only <br />3 <br />25A-13