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Santa Ana Proposal for Emergency Services <br />Management Partners; contracting with OCF.~ addresses 1C> of chose suggestions. The list <br />below outlines how C~CI~1~ assists the City with their budget stabili`ration: <br />o Recommendation 2. Initiate significant immediate changes to the e~pcnditurc and <br />revenue base, with major reductions in spending taking effect in FY 2O11/l2 <br />increasing into PY 2012/]3. <br />OCFA reduces the City's expenditures related to fire service <br />o Recommendation 13. llctertnine the fee lecvcl required to recover all City costs <br />associated with filsc. alarm response and increase fees accordingly. <br />OCFA has a false alarm fee program and a program to decrease or <br />eliminate false alarms <br />o Recommendation 15. Negotiate payment of the full employee share of P1 ~:KS coats <br />at 9°/v for public safely and H"S, for non-safety- <br />OCFA renegotiated contracts with the labor groups and employees <br />will be contributing 9% <br />o Recommendation 1G. Negotiate a two-tier retiremetlc bcnelit, returning ro the <br />benefit levels in place prior to the caisting benefits. <br />OCFA has instituted a third tier retirement of 3^/> at 55 for those <br />employees hired after July 1, 2012. Additionally, OCERS is the average <br />of the three highest years, not single year <br />o Recommendation 17. Renegotiate labor contracts to provide only those premium <br />pay. required t<1r sound business purposes and eLitninate premium pay for employees <br />who arc nor pcrfrlrming the work on a regular basis. <br />OCFA's premium pay structure is centered on those positions actually <br />performing specialty functions <br />o Recommendation 19. ~lnalyzc• employee and retiree health benefits to determine <br />the appropriate level of contribution by all parties. <br />OCFA has a defined contribution plan for its new hire employees <br />retiree medical <br />o Recommendation 20. Provide vehicles only to those individuals who arc <br />re_-pondinr; to City business after hours on a regular basis and to chose who must <br />have access to apecialied equiprncnt when called out. <br />OCFA has a vehicle use policy that identifies those positions requiring <br />vehicles for business purposes <br />o Recommendation 23. Initiate negotiations with the. l~irc Benevolent _~ssociarion ro <br />enable the City to n~akc policy ]c~-cl decisions ro match staffing to workload. <br />Resolved by contracting with the OCFA, this no longer becomes an <br />issue for the City <br />o Recommendation 24. 1?.lin~inate automatic overtime to maintain any staffing Ie~rel <br />not determined by the City to be required. <br />Resolved by contracting with the OCFA, this no longer becomes an <br />issue for the City <br />o Recommendation 25. Develop and in~plcmcnt a Ylcxible brown-clot schedule for <br />engine and rrucl: companies that matches staffing to workload demand rather than <br />the C\IF t111g cOn5TanC SCalhng In 17del. <br />Orange County Fire Authority 4 of 50 December 2, 201 <br />