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Generally an individual who is or is expected to be absent from the assisted unit for 180 <br />consecutive days or less is considered temporarily absent and continues to be considered a family <br />member. Generally an individual who is or is expected to be absent from the assisted unit for <br />more than 180 consecutive days is considered permanently absent and no longer a family <br />member. Exceptions to this general policy are discussed below. <br />Absent Students <br />When someone who has been considered a family member attends school away from home, the <br />person will continue to be considered a family member unless information becomes available to <br />SARA indicating that the student has established a separate household or the family declares that <br />the student has established a separate household. The student must be present at the annual <br />recertification interview or they maybe removed from the household. <br />Absences Due to Placement in Foster Care <br />Children temporarily absent from the home as a result of placement in foster care are considered <br />members of the family [24 CFR 5.403 ] . <br />If a child has been placed in foster care, SARA will verify with the appropriate agency whether <br />and when the child is expected to be returned to the home. Unless the agency confirms that the <br />child has been permanently removed from the home, the child will be counted as a family <br />member. <br />Absent Head, Spouse, or Co-head <br />An employed head, spouse, or co-head absent from the unit more than 180 consecutive days due <br />to employment will continue to be considered a family member. <br />Family Members Permanently Confined for Medical Reasons <br />If a family member is confined to a nursing home or hospital on a permanent basis, that person is <br />no longer considered a family member and the income of that person is not counted [HCV GB, <br />p. 5-22]. <br />SARA will request verification from a responsible medical professional and will use this <br />determination. If the responsible medical professional cannot provide a determination, the person <br />generally will be considered temporarily absent. The family may present evidence that the family <br />member is confined on a permanent basis and request that the person not be considered a family <br />member. <br />When an individual who has been counted as a family member is determined permanently <br />absent, the family is eligible for the medical expense deduction only if the remaining head, <br />spouse, or co-head qualifies as an elderly person or a person with disabilities. <br />Joint Custody of Dependents <br />Dependents that are subj ect to a j oint custody arrangement will be considered a member of the <br />family, if they live with the applicant or participant family 50 percent or more of the time. <br />When more than one applicant or participant family is claiming the same dependents as family <br />members, the family with primary custody at the time of the initial examination or reexamination <br />will be able to claim the dependents. If there is a dispute about which family should claim them, <br />2~2s~13 Page 6-3 <br />