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Whether the threat is a physical danger beyond a speculative threat <br />Whether the threat is likely to happen within a short period of time <br />Whether the threat to other tenants or employees can be eliminated in some other way, <br />such as by helping the victim relocate to a confidential location <br />If the tenant wishes to contest SAHA's determination that he or she is an actual and imminent <br />threat to other tenants or employees, the tenant may do so as part of the informal hearing. <br />Victim Documentation <br />When a participant family is facing assistance termination because of the actions of a participant, <br />household member, guest, or other person under the participant's control and a participant or <br />immediate family member of the participant's family claims that she or he is the victim of such <br />actions and that the actions are related to domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, SARA <br />will request in writing that the individual submit documentation affirming that claim. The written <br />request will include explicit instructions on where, when, and to whom the documentation must <br />be submitted. It will also state the consequences for failure to submit the documentation by the <br />deadline. <br />The documentation will consist of a completed and signed form HUD-50066, Certification of <br />Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, or Stalking. In lieu of the certification form, SARA will <br />accept either of the following forms of documentation: <br />A police or court record documenting the actual or threatened abuse <br />Documentation signed by a person who has assisted the victim in addressing domestic <br />violence, dating violence, or stalking, or the effects of such abuse. This person maybe an <br />employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim service provider; an attorney; or a medical or <br />other knowledgeable professional. The person signing the documentation must attest <br />under penalty of perjury to the person's belief that the incidents in question are bona fide <br />incidents of abuse. The victim must also sign the documentation. <br />SARA reserves the right to waive the documentation requirement if it determines that a <br />statement or other corroborating evidence from the individual will suffice. <br />The individual claiming victim status must submit the requested documentation within 14 <br />days after receipt of SAHA's written request or must request an extension within that <br />time frame. SARA may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for 14 days. <br />If the individual provides the requested documentation within 14 days, or any SAHA- <br />approvedextension, SARA will reconsider its termination decision in light of the <br />ocumentation. <br />If the individual does not provide the requested documentation within 14 days, or any <br />SARA-approved extension, SARA will proceed with termination of the family's <br />assistance in accordance with applicable law, program regulations, and the policies in <br />this plan. <br />Terminating the Assistance of a Domestic Violence Perpetrator [24 CFR 5.2005(c)] <br />Although VAWA provides assistance termination protection for victims of domestic violence, it <br />does not provide protection for perpetrators. VAWA gives SARA the explicit authority to <br />~~02~12 Page 12-9 <br />