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"terminate assistance to any individual who is a tenant or lawful occupant and who engages in <br />criminal acts of physical violence against family members or others...without terminating <br />assistance to, or otherwise penalizing the victim of such violence who is also a tenant or lawful <br />occupant." This authority is not dependent on a bifurcated lease or other eviction action by an <br />owner against an individual family member. Further, this authority supersedes any local, state, or <br />other federal law to the contrary. However, if SARA chooses to exercise this authority, it must <br />follow any procedures prescribed by HUD or by applicable local, state, or federal law regarding <br />termination of assistance [Pub.L.109-271 ] .This means that SARA must follow the same rules <br />when terminating assistance to an individual as it would when terminating the assistance of an <br />entire family [3/16/07 Federal Register notice on the applicability of VAWA to HUD programs]. <br />SARA will terminate assistance to a family member if SARA determines that the family member <br />has committed criminal acts of physical violence against other family members or others. This <br />action will not affect the assistance of the remaining, non-culpable family members. <br />In making its decision, SARA will consider all credible evidence, including, but not limited to, a <br />signed certification (form HUD-50066) or other documentation of abuse submitted to SARA by <br />the victim in accordance with this section. SARA will also consider the factors in section 12- <br />II.D. Upon such consideration, SARA may, on a case-by-case basis, choose not to terminate the <br />assistance of the culpable family member. <br />If SARA does terminate the assistance of the culpable family member, it will do so in <br />accordance with applicable law, HUD regulations, and the policies in this plan. <br />SAHA Confidentiality Requirements [24 CFR 5.2007(a)(1)(v)] <br />All information provided to SAHA regarding domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, <br />including the fact that an individual is a victim of such violence or stalking, must be retained in <br />confidence and may neither be entered into any shared data base nor provided to any related <br />entity, except to the extent that the disclosure (a) is requested or consented to by the individual in <br />writing, (b) is required for use in an eviction proceeding, or (c) is otherwise required by <br />applicable law. <br />12-II.F. TERMINATION NOTICE [HCV GB, p. 15-7] <br />If a family's assistance is to be terminated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, SAHA must <br />give the family and the owner written notice that specifies: <br />• The reasons for which assistance has been terminated <br />• The effective date of the termination <br />• The family's right to an informal hearing as described in Chapter 16 <br />If a criminal record is the basis of the termination, a copy of the record must accompany the <br />notice. A copy of the criminal record also must be provided to the subject of the record [24 CFR <br />982.553(4)]. <br />When termination is initiated by SARA, the notice to terminate will be sent to the family and the <br />owner at least 3 0 calendar days prior to the effective date of the termination. However, if a <br />family vacates the unit without informing SARA, 30 days notice will not be given. In these <br />cases, the notice to terminate will be sent at the time SARA learns the family has vacated the <br />unit. <br />~~02~12 Page 12-10 <br />