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meet HQS requirements. See chapter 8 for a discussion of the HQS standards, as well as the <br />process for HQS inspections at initial lease-up and throughout the family's tenancy. <br />SARA must determine that the cost of the unit is reasonable [24 CFR 982.305(a)]. The rent must <br />be reasonable in relation to comparable unassisted units in the area and must not be in excess of <br />rents charged by the owner for comparable, unassisted units on the premises. See chapter 8 for a <br />discussion of requirements and policies on rent reasonableness, rent comparability and the rent <br />reasonableness determination process. <br />At initial lease-up of a unit, SARA must determine that the share of rent to be paid by the family <br />does not exceed 40 percent of the family's monthly adjusted income [24 CFR 982.305(a)]. See <br />chapter 6 for a discussion of the calculation of family income, family share of rent and HAP. <br />The dwelling lease must comply with all program requirements [24 CFR 982.308]. Owners are <br />encouraged to use their standard leases when renting to an assisted family. However, the HCV <br />program requires that the Tenancy Addendum, which helps standardize the tenancy requirements <br />for all assisted families, be added word-for-word to that lease. See chapter 9 for a discussion of <br />the dwelling lease and tenancy addendum, including lease terms and provisions. <br />SARA and the owner enter into a formal contractual relationship by executing the Housing <br />Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract (Form HUD-52641). The HAP contract format is prescribed <br />by HUD. See chapter 9 for a discussion of the HAP contract execution process. Specific HAP <br />contract provisions and responsibilities are discussed later in this chapter 13. <br />13-I.C. OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES [24 CFR 982.452] <br />The basic owner responsibilities inthe HCV program are outlined in the regulations as follows: <br />• Performing all of the owner's obligations under the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) <br />contract and the lease <br />• Performing all management and rental functions for the assisted unit, including selecting a <br />voucher-holder to lease the unit, and deciding if the family is suitable for tenancy of the unit <br />• Maintaining the unit in accordance with the Housing Quality Standards (HQS), including <br />performance of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance <br />• Complying with equal opportunity requirements <br />• Preparing and furnishing to SARA information required under the HAP contract <br />• Collecting from the family any security deposit, the tenant's contribution to rent (that part of <br />rent to owner not covered by the housing assistance payment from SAHA), and any charges <br />for unit damage by the family. <br />• Enforcing tenant obligations under the dwelling lease <br />• Paying for utilities and services (unless paid by the family under the lease) <br />• Making modifications to a dwelling unit occupied or to be occupied by a disabled person <br />[24 CFR 100.203 ] <br />• Comply with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA) when <br />screening and terminating tenants. <br />7/02/12 Page 13 -4 <br />