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13-I.D. OWNER QUALIFICATIONS <br />SARA does not formally approve an owner to participate in the HCV program. However, there <br />are a number of criteria where SARA may deny approval of an assisted tenancy based on past <br />owner behavior, conflict of interest, or other owner-related issues. No owner has a right to <br />participate in the HCV program [24 CFR 982.306(e)]. <br />Owners Barred from Participation [24 CFR 982.306(a) and (b)] <br />SARA must not approve the assisted tenancy if SARA has been informed that the owner has <br />been debarred, suspended, or subj ect to a limited denial of participation under 24 CFR part 24. <br />HUD may direct SARA not to approve a tenancy request if a court or administrative agency has <br />determined that the owner violated the Fair Housing Act or other federal equal opportunity <br />requirements, or if such an action is pending. <br />Leasing to Relatives [24 CFR 982.306(4), HCV GB p. 11-2] <br />SARA must not approve an RTA if the owner is the parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister, <br />or brother of any member of the family. SARA may make an exception as a reasonable <br />accommodation for a family member with a disability. The owner is required to certify that no <br />such relationship exists. This restriction applies at the time that the family receives assistance <br />under the HCV program for occupancy of a particular unit. Current contracts on behalf of owners <br />and families that are related may continue, but any new leases or contracts for these families may <br />not be approved. <br />Conflict of Interest [24 CFR 982.161; HCV GB p. 8-19] <br />SARA must not approve a tenancy in which any of the following classes of persons has any <br />interest, direct or indirect, during tenure or for one year thereafter: <br />• Any present or former member or officer of SARA (except a participant commissioner) <br />• Any employee of SARA, or any contractor, subcontractor or agent of SARA, who formulates <br />policy or who influences decisions with respect to the programs <br />• Any public official, member of a governing body, or State or local legislator, who exercises <br />functions or responsibilities with respect to the programs <br />• Any member of the Congress of the United States <br />HUD may waive the conflict of interest requirements, except for members of Congress, for good <br />cause. SARA must submit a waiver request to the appropriate HUD Field Office for <br />determination. <br />Any waiver request submitted by SARA must include [HCV Guidebook pp. l l -2 and 11-3 ] <br />• Complete statement of the facts of the case; <br />• Analysis of the specific conflict of interest provision of the HAP contract and justification as <br />to why the provision should be waived; <br />Analysis of and statement of consistency with state and local laws. The local HUD office, <br />SARA, or both parties may conduct this analysis. Where appropriate, an opinion by the <br />state's attorney general should be obtained; <br />7/02/12 Page 13-5 <br />