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3. Article Vll, Sections I.A. and B. are deleted In their entirety and replaced with <br />the following: <br />A. Term. Cities shall be members of the Authority for a 20-year term <br />commencing July 1, 2010. For Structural Fire Fund cities, the initial 20-year term shall <br />begin on July 1, 2010 and end on June 30, 2030. For a Cash Contract City, the first 20- <br />year tern shall begin on July 1, 2010, only upon the consent of such City. Cash <br />contract Cities that do not give such approval by June 30, 2010 shall give notice of <br />withdrawal to the Clerk of the Authority by June 30, 2010, to be effective July 1, 2010. <br />Failure to provide such notice shall be deemed that City's consent to a 20-year tern, <br />beginning July 1, 2010 subject to the ability to withdraw after the first ten years as set <br />forth in Section B. below. <br />B. Subsequent Terms. Twenty-year membership terms shall <br />automatically renew, on the same terms and conditions as the prior term, and with the <br />same cap in effect in the last year of the prior term, except under the following <br />circumstances: <br />(1) Any City may give notice of withdrawal by transmitting written <br />notice of such withdrawal to the Clerk of the Authority prior to July 1 of the second to <br />last year of every ten-year interval of a twenty-year term (e.g., for the first ten-year <br />interval, notice must be given by July 1, 2018 to withdraw by June 30, 2020). <br />(2) Notwithstanding the preceding subsection (B)(1), in exchange for <br />the JEAPs described in Article IV, Section 4, the City of Irvine shall not have the option <br />to withdraw in 2020, except as provided In Article IV, Section 4(C)(3), or if the number of <br />withdrawing Cash Contract Cities in 2020 reduces the unrestricted general fund <br />revenues of the Authority to the point that the JEAPs can no longer be made. In the <br />event that the number of withdrawing Cash Contract Cities in 2020 reduces the <br />unrestricted general fund revenues of the Authority to the point that the JEAPs can no <br />longer be made, the City of Irvine will be notified in writing by the Authority of this <br />955601.1 11 <br />