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- Developing, implementing, and reviewing Area Maritime Security Plans for <br />ports, waterways, and coastal areas <br />- Updating and refining threat matrices <br />- Conducting cyber risk and vulnerability assessments <br />- Conducting assessments and exercising existing catastrophic incident <br />response and recovery plans and capabilities to identify critical gaps that <br />cannot be met by existing local and State resources <br />- Conducting Bombing Prevention Capability Analysis <br />- Activities that directly support the identification of specific catastrophic <br />incident priority response and recovery projected needs across disciplines <br />(e.g., law enforcement, fire, EMS, public health, behavioral health, public <br />works, agriculture, information technology, and citizen preparedness) <br />- Activities that directly support the identification of pre- designated <br />temporary housing sites <br />- Activities that support the identification and development of alternate care <br />sites <br />- Conducting community assessments, surveys, and research of <br />vulnerabilities and resource needs to determine how to meet needs and <br />build effective and tailored strategies for educating individuals conducting <br />assessments of the extent to which compliance with the integration <br />mandate of disability laws is being achieved <br />- Conducting Citizen Corps program assessments and evaluations, citizen <br />preparedness surveys, volunteer impact studies, and cost/benefit analysis <br />- Soft target security planning (e.g., public gatherings) <br />- Participating in the FEMA Gap Analysis Program <br />MMRS Planning. The MMRS Leadership shall ensure that local strategic goals, <br />objectives, operational capabilities, and resource requirements align with State and <br />Urban Area Homeland Security Strategies and sub -State regional strategies. Critical <br />factors in planning are to ensure that MMRS jurisdictions have: <br />• Applicable and up to date plans for responding to mass casualty incidents <br />caused by any hazards <br />• Applicable procedures and operational guides to implement the response actions <br />within the local plan including patient tracking that addresses identifying and <br />tracking children, access and functional needs population, and the elderly and <br />keeping families intact where possible <br />• Identified resources for medical supplies necessary to support children during an <br />emergency, including pharmaceuticals and pediatric -sized equipment on which <br />first responders and medical providers are trained <br />• Subject matter experts, durable medical equipment, consumable medical <br />supplies and other resources required to assist children and adults with <br />disabilities to maintain health, safety and usual levels of independence in general <br />population environments <br />66 <br />