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the following: <br />f <br />• Esfablishing and sustain ing bodies to,serv- Citizen Corps Councils <br />• Assuring that State and,local 'gov e <br />ernment homeland security strategies, policies, <br />guidance, plans, and evaluations include a "greater emphasis on <br />government/non- governmental collaboration, citizen preparedness, and volunteer <br />participation <br />- <br />Developing and implementing a community prep— prep strategy for the <br />OWLC /IUVaI fu uau wuyL., <br />• Developing or reproducing accessible public education and outreach materials <br />to: increase citizen preparedness and knowledge of protective actions (to include <br />the national Ready Campaign materials); promote training, exercise, and <br />volunteer opportunities; and inform the public about emergency plans, <br />evacuation routes, shelter locations, and public alerts /warnings <br />- All public education and outreach materials must include the national or <br />jurisdiction's Citizen Corps logo, tagline or website or the Ready logo, <br />tagline, or website and comply with logo standards. For more information <br />go to http: / /www citizencorps..qov. In addition, all public education and <br />outreach materials must be accessible to people with disabilities and must <br />be provided in formats that allows access to information that is <br />comparable to access available to others. <br />• Allowable expenditures include: <br />Media campaigns: Public Service Announcements (PSAs), camera -ready <br />materials, website support, and newsletters <br />Outreach activities and public events: Booth displays, event backdrops or <br />signs, displays and demonstrations, utilizing translation services, and <br />informational materials such as brochures /flyers <br />- Costs associated with inclusive practices and the provision of reasonable <br />accommodations and modifications to provide full access for children and <br />adults with disabilities <br />• Establishing, expanding, and maintaining volunteer programs and volunteer <br />recruitment efforts that support disaster preparedness and /or response <br />- Citizen support for emergency responders is critical through year -round <br />volunteer programs and as surge capacity in disaster response. Citizen <br />Corps funding may be used to establish, expand, or maintain volunteer <br />programs that support disaster preparedness and /or response including <br />but not limited to: Citizen Corps Affiliate Programs and Organizations, <br />Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Fire Corps, Medical <br />Reserve Corps (MRC), Neighborhood Watch /USAonWatch, Volunteers in <br />Police Service (VIPS), and jurisdiction specific volunteer efforts <br />• Allowable expenditures include: <br />- Recruiting, screening, and training volunteers (e.g., background checks) <br />- Retaining, recognizing, and motivating volunteers <br />67 <br />