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Developing or enhancing continuity of operations and continuity of <br />government plans <br />Developing or enhancing existing catastrophic iris t response and 16 <br />recovery plans; to include and integrate Fe, assets provided under the <br />NRF ;_ <br />- Developing plans an d,response'procedures for adtudicating, validating <br />and responding to an alarm, from a chemical or biological detector <br />(response procedures should include emergency response procedures <br />integrating local first responders)` <br />Developing or enhancing evacuation plans <br />Registry and Locator System (NEFRLS) <br />- Developing or enhancing plans to prepare for surge capacity of volunteers <br />- Developing or enhancing the State emergency medical services systems <br />- Developing or enhancing plans for donations and volunteer management <br />a,nd the engagement/integration ' of private sectodnon-governmental <br />entities in preparedness, response, and recovery activities <br />Developing or enhancing Bombing Prevention Plans <br />- Developing school preparedness plans <br />Developing preparedness plans for child congregate care facilities, <br />including -group residential facilities, juvenile detention facilities, and <br />public /private child care facilities <br />- Developing plans to educate youth on disaster preparedness <br />Ensuring jurisdiction EOPs adequately address warnings, emergency <br />public information, evacuation, sheltering, mass care, resource <br />management from non - governmental sources, unaffiliated volunteer and <br />donations management, and volunteer resource integration to support <br />each Emergency Support Function, to include appropriate considerations <br />for integrating activities, materials, services, tools and equipment to <br />achieve planning inclusive of people with disabilities (physical, <br />programmatic and communications access for people with physical, <br />sensory, mental health, intellectual and cognitive disabilities). Developing <br />and implementing civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy policies, <br />procedures, and protocols <br />- Designing and developing State, local, Tribal, and territorial geospatial <br />data systems <br />- Developing and implementing statewide electronic patient care reporting <br />systems compliant with the National Emergency Medical Services <br />Information System (NEMSIS) <br />Developing or conducting assessments, including but not limited to: <br />- Developing pre -event recovery plans <br />- Conducting point vulnerability assessments at critical infrastructure <br />sites /key assets and develop remediation /security plans <br />- Conducting or updating interoperable emergency communications <br />capabilities assessments at the local, regional, or Statewide level <br />- Developing border security operations plans in coordination with CBP <br />65 <br />