Laserfiche WebLink
Means to, receive input or feedback from the private sector, and <br />enepurage participationfrom civic leaders from all sectors <br />Reagia,lar and time corimmunications on subjects relating to all; phases of <br />rh -ac n e'wslei`ters.' ema ls. and alerts <br />Tools4 resources and ;activitles that taeiiitate snares s!tuauunai UWai ci, ic00 <br />between the; public and_pnvate'sectors <br />Web based and new media, platforms that allow real =time information <br />exchange , <br />- Asset mapping, such as participation in FEMA's Total Asset Visibility and <br />LogViz initiatives <br />- A seat(s) in the emergency operation center, or virtual EOC <br />Operational Support: <br />- Tools for identifying and tracking available paid and unpaid disaster <br />response resources <br />- Dedicated space and equipment for private sector representation within a <br />State, county, or city emergency operation center <br />- A dedicated business emergency operations center that works with the <br />State, county or city EOC (not construction) <br />- Tools for real time information sharing between the public and private <br />sector <br />- Licensing, screening, or other requirements for access to real EOC or <br />virtual EOC <br />MMRS Equipment. MMRS grant funds are intended to ensure an appropriate supply or <br />pharmaceuticals and equipment, personal protective equipment, as well as detection <br />equipment for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive incidents for the <br />first crucial hours of a response to a mass casualty incident. <br />Procurements should have a sound threat based justification with an aim to reduce the <br />consequences of mass casualty incidents during the first crucial hours of a response. <br />Prior to procuring pharmaceuticals and equipment with MMRS grant funds, grantees <br />must have in place an inventory management plan. The inventory management plan <br />should avoid large periodic variations in supplies due to coinciding purchase and <br />expiration dates. MMRS grantees are strongly encouraged to enter into rotational <br />procurement agreements with vendors and distributors. <br />MMRS grant funds cannot be used to duplicate supplies already available through local <br />and State sources, including local /regional public health offices and hospital <br />associations, or other Federal programs. <br />Purchases of pharmaceuticals have to include a budget for the disposal of expired <br />drugs within the period of performance of the FY 2011 HSGP. The cost of disposal <br />cannot be carried over to another FEMA grant or grant period. <br />