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CCP Equipment. States and Urban Areas are encouraged to fully leverage all HSGP <br />resources for equipment to support volunteer personnel in preparedness and response. <br />Any equipment purchased with CCP funding must be used for specific preparedness or <br />volunteer training or by volunteers in carrying out _their response Examples of <br />equipment used to support training and exercises for citizens include items such as <br />burn pans or sample preparedness kits. <br />Expenditures for kits used in volunteer response (e.g., CERT or MRC kits / backpacks) <br />or clothing for official identification must not exceed 30 percent (30 %) of the total Citizen <br />Corps Program allocation. Clothing for official identification includes those items that <br />volunteers are required to wear when engaging in public safety activities or disaster <br />response (e.g., t- shirts for CERT members, baseball caps for Neighborhood <br />Watch /USAonWatch Program foot patrol members). To assure appropriate and <br />consistent use, such clothing items must be issued by the agency that trains the <br />volunteers. <br />CCP supported volunteer programs and assets, which are authorized to deploy in <br />response and recovery operations, must meet the minimum training and equipment <br />requirements, as determined by the national program office in coordination with the <br />sponsoring State /territory. <br />Necessary accommodations that meet the disability related access and functional <br />needs of participants should be provided. <br />Information and <br />Training Information Reporting System ("Web-Forms"). Web -Forms is an electronic <br />form /data management system built to assist the SAA and its designated State /territory <br />Training Point of Contact (TPOC) with the reporting of State and Federal sponsored <br />training supported by HSGP funds. Web -Forms can be accessed through the FEMA <br />Toolkit located at http.// www. firstresaondertraining .gov/admin. <br />Types of Training. FEMA resources include a number of different training <br />sources: <br />- FEMA Provided Training. These programs or courses are developed for <br />and delivered by institutions and organizations funded by FEMA. This <br />includes the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), the Emergency <br />Management Institute (EMI) and the National Training and Education <br />Division (NTED) training partner programs funded through congressional <br />Appropriations and the Competitive and Continuing Training Grant <br />programs. Programs funded through appropriation include but are not <br />limited to the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) and <br />the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC). <br />- Training Not Provided by FEMA. These courses are either State <br />sponsored or Federal sponsored, coordinated and approved by the SAA <br />or their designated TPOC, and fall within the FEMA mission scope to <br />FTI <br />