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e responsibilities of the SAA are to: <br />it" + <br />mass casualty events, using,MMRS grant funds <br />• Ensure that MMRS is;represen ed on'State Homeland Secunty Working Groups <br />and UAW Gs so, that the interests of the local health and' communities are <br />well represented <br />• Ensure all neighboring MMRS sub - grantees shall, actively and demonstratively <br />collaborate to develop a regional plan that supports the MMRS mission`in -cases <br />where MMRS sub - grantees are located adjacent to one another <br />• Shall coordinate with the State health representatives who work in the Public <br />Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program managed by CDC, and <br />Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), managed by the United States <br />Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for <br />Preparedness and Response (ASPR)', and Strategic National Stockpile <br />The responsibilities of MMRS sub - grantees are to: <br />•, Establish and support designated MMRS leadership, such as a Steering <br />Committee, to act as the designated POCs for program implementation <br />• Promote integration of local emergency management, health, and medical <br />systems with their Federal and State counterparts through a locally established <br />multi- agency, collaborative planning framework <br />• Promote sub -State regional coordination of mutual aid with neighboring localities <br />• Enhance, using MMRS funds, sub -State regional planning and training to expand <br />and improve an integrated, inclusive health and medical response to mass <br />casualty events <br />• Validate the sub- grantee's local emergency response capability to a mass <br />casualty incident by means of a regular schedule of exercises that are Homeland <br />Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)- compatible <br />• Coordinate all MMRS expenditures with the local health department and, where <br />appropriate, local representatives who manage PHEP grants, managed by CDC, <br />and HPP, managed by HHS -ASPR, and Strategic National Stockpile <br />MMRS Collaboration <br />MMRS sub - grantees are strongly encouraged to collaborate with local, regional, and <br />State health and medical partners, such as Medical Reserve Corps Units and Citizen <br />Corps Councils, as well as leverage other Federal programs, such as the HHS ASPR <br />Hospital Preparedness Program and Emergency Systems for Advance Registration of <br />Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR -VHP), CDC Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI), <br />PHEP, and Strategic National Stockpile Programs. The intent of collaboration should <br />be to coordinate and support plans, processes, and strategies related to, but not limited <br />to: Continuity of Government; Continuity of Operations; Age- Appropriate Equipment and <br />Supplies Procurement; Emergency Triage and Pre - Hospital Treatment/Emergency <br />19 <br />