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regional, or local emergency preparedness efforts that build upon the <br />Ready campaign <br />Evaluating Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) security equipment <br />and /or personnel requirements to protect and secure sites <br />- C1H cost assessments, incFu—ding resources (e.g., financial, personnel) <br />required for security enhancements /deployments <br />Multi- Jurisdiction Bombing Prevention Plans (MJBPP)73 <br />Underwater Terrorist Protection Plans <br />• Developing and enhancing plans and protocols, including but not limited to: <br />- Community -based planning to advance "whole community" security and <br />emergency management <br />- Developing, enhancing, maintaining a current EOP that conforms to the <br />guidelines outlined in the CPG 101 v.2 <br />- Developing or enhancing local, regional, or Statewide strategic or tactical <br />interoperable emergency communications plans <br />- Activities associated with a conversion from wideband to narrowband <br />voice channels <br />- Implementing SCIP and TICPs that align with the goals, objectives, and <br />initiatives of the NECP <br />- Developing protocols or standard operating procedures for specialized <br />teams to incorporate the use of equipment acquired through this grant <br />program <br />- Developing terrorism prevention /protection plans <br />- Developing plans, procedures, and requirements for the management of <br />infrastructure and resources related to HSGP and implementation of State <br />or Urban Area Homeland Security Strategies <br />- Developing plans for mass evacuation and pre - positioning equipment <br />- Developing or enhancing border security plans <br />- Developing or enhancing cyber security plans <br />- Developing or enhancing secondary health screening protocols at major <br />points of entry (e.g., air, rail, port) <br />- Developing or enhancing cyber risk mitigation plans <br />- Developing or enhancing agriculture /food security risk mitigation, <br />response, and recovery plans <br />- Developing public /private sector partnership emergency response, <br />assessment, and resource sharing plans <br />- Developing or enhancing plans to engage and interface with, and to <br />increase the capacity of, private sector /non - governmental entities working <br />to meet the human service response and recovery needs of survivors <br />- Developing or updating local or regional communications plans <br />- Developing plans to support and assist jurisdictions, such as port <br />authorities and rail and mass transit agencies <br />The SAA should examine current bombing prevention and explosive device response capabilities as an import risk reduction <br />activity. An explosive device recognition capability analysis can assist in determining their opportunities for increasing the capability <br />to execute steady State and threat initiated tasks to prevent and respond to a bombing incident. <br />64 <br />