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FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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6/27/2014 1:04:58 PM
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6/27/2014 11:13:27 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Standard Agreement DOT -213 City of Santa Ana <br />642572 <br />Page 23 of 29 <br />EXHIBIT C <br />capacity of fifteen (15) or less, or one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) per <br />occurrence for bodily Injury in respect to vehicles with seating capacity of sixteen (16) or more. <br />c. Vehicle Physical Damage: The CONTRACTOR shall place Vehicle Physical Damage, including <br />collision and comprehensive (fire, theft, ate.) insurance for amounts equal to the actual cash value <br />of each vehicle and any other equipment that is part of the PROJECT equipment, with deductibles <br />acceptable to the STATE. This insurance shall include a provision designating the State of <br />California, Department of Transportation as the Loss Payee for all purposes of adjusting, settling, <br />or paying claims for damage to the Insured vehicle(s). <br />51. Excise Tax. The State of California Is exempt from federal excise taxes, and no payment will be made for <br />any taxes levied on employees' wages. The STATE will pay for any applicable State of California or local <br />sales or use taxes on the services rendered or equipment or parts supplied pursuant to this Agreement. <br />California may pay any applicable sales and use tax Imposed by another state. <br />52. Potential Subcontractors <br />A. No Relationship Between STATE and Third -Party Contractor. Nothing contained in this Agreement or <br />otherwise, shall create any contractual relation, obligation or liability between the STATE and any <br />third -party contractors, and no third -party agreement shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of his <br />responsibilities and obligations hereunder. The CONTRACTOR agrees to be as fully responsible to <br />the STATE for the acts and omissions of its third -party contractors and of persons either directly or <br />Indirectly employed by any of them as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by <br />the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR'S obligation to pay its third -party contractors is an <br />Independent obligation from the STATE'S obligation to make payments to the CONTRACTOR. As a <br />result, the STATE shall have no obligation to pay or to enforce the payment of any moneys to any <br />third -party contractor.. <br />B Third -Party Contracts and Subagreements Affected. To the extent applicable, Federal requirements <br />extend to third -party contractors and their contracts at every tier, and to the subcontractors of third- <br />party contractors and their subagreements at every tier. Accordingly, the CONTRACTOR agrees to <br />includo, and to require its third -party contractors to Include appropriate clauses in each third -party <br />contract and each subagreement financed in whole or in part with financial assistance provided by <br />FTA. <br />C. No Federal Government Obli ag tions to Third Parties, The CONTRACTOR agrees that, absent of the <br />Federal Government's express written consent, the Federal Government shall not be subject to any <br />obligations or liabilities to any contractor, any third -party contractor, or any other person not a party to <br />the Grant Agreement in connection with the performance of the PROJECT. Notwithstanding any <br />concurrence provided by the Federal Government in or approval of any solicitation, or third -party <br />agreement, the Federal Government continues to have no obligation or liabilities to any party, <br />Including the CONTRACTOR or third -party contractor. <br />D. Obligations on Behalf of the STATE. The CONTRACTOR shall have no authority to contract for or on <br />behalf of, or Incur obligations on behalf of the STATE. <br />E. STATE Approval of All Third -Party Contracts. The STATE shall approve in writing all proposed third - <br />party contract agreements. Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), or similar documents relating to <br />the performance of the Agreement prior to implementation. The CONTRACTOR agrees that it will not <br />enter into any third -party contracts unless the same are approved in writing by the STATE. Any <br />proposed amendments to such third -party contracts must be approved by the STATE prior to <br />implementation. <br />G f. <br />20A -28 <br />Rev. 03/25/2014 <br />
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