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yrsar �epanBcnX 6�41xnFln d +aice. <br />I, Review Inmate Medical Request forms and provide appropriate medical care, <br />ii, Prescribe and dispense approved medications (tablet, liquid and syringe ). <br />ill, Prescribe medical diets <br />iv. Conduct physical examinations. <br />V. Provide firstaid and treat Injuries. Apply, monitor and remove sutures <br />vi Provide weekly dental clinics. <br />vii Provide weekly psychclinIts, when needed:: <br />viii. Provide four (4) hours of annual staff traInmg related to Issues of Infectious d €seases <br />IncludIng universal precautions and proper tra €n1ngfor cleanupan d dIspasaI of blo- <br />hazardous materials. Traih €ng will be subject to approval by the Jail Adminlstra tot 0r <br />designee. <br />ix, M all ntalndetaHed, accurate and confidential med Ica I records, logs and files in <br />accordance with California Department of Corrections and Reh a b that lo ns, Title 15 and <br />the 2011 Nationaf Detention Standards of Immigration and Code Enforcement Bureau <br />X. Review and approvelal lrtiedical policies and procedures. <br />A. Timely and accurate reports to the )all Administrator. <br />x€i App rova16 f off -site medical care by'res pons! ble contracting age ncy of the <br />inmate/detanee. <br />Naph care understands that the majority of inmates cur renttly housed at Santa Ano <br />fall are either I.N.S. or US. Marshall and that these contracting agencies are <br />financiatly responsible for their inmates' approved off -site treri[ment services.. <br />Noph Care agrees to be responsible fur billing the responsible contract agency for <br />off site treatment. For all other Primates (non - contracting agency lnmates), <br />NaphCore shall be reimbursed 100% of all casts of off-site medical services, <br />Nophtare will hlif the Cityof Santa Anu far non - contracti <br />