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EEC's divisions are supported by a technology services division that facilitates efficient collection, <br />storage, and review of large data inventories. This department uses computer -aided drafting and design <br />(AutoCAD), GIS, and database technologies to support and manage projects across the firm's divisions. <br />The department identifies the right technologies for the client's most critical needs and ensures that the <br />chosen technologies will stay relevant and effective long after project completion. <br />In addition, EEC employs an in -house editor to ensure the consistency, accuracy, and readability of the <br />firm's documents. Finally, the administrative team supports the entire firm with project - related <br />activities, such as accounting and invoicing. <br />1.2 Related Experience <br />EEC has extensive experience in providing FOG control program services and has expertise with a broad <br />range of complementary services that have gained EEC an excellent reputation and working relationship <br />with federal, state, and local agencies. EEC has provided extensive FOG control and NPDES services to <br />more than 30 cities and sewer districts in Southern California, including the following: <br />City of Anaheim City of Santa Ana Garden Grove Sanitary District <br />City of Fullerton City of Stanton Irvine Ranch Water District <br />City of La Habra County of Orange Midway City Sanitary District <br />City of Orange Costa Mesa Sanitary District Orange County Sanitation District <br />Furthermore, EEC has developed a detailed understanding of the City of Santa Ana's FOG control <br />program database and comprehensive FSE inspection program. Through experience gained from <br />previous work for the City and the EEC team's unique knowledge of the City's FOG control program, EEC <br />will continue to provide a flexible and cost - effective approach to meeting the City's project goals and <br />needs. Following is a selection of short project descriptions that are representative of EEC's FOG <br />inspection experience. <br />11A City of Santa Ana: FOG Program Management and Inspection Services <br />EEC developed, implemented, and supported management of the City's FOG program and conducted <br />on -site FSE inspections. EEC compiled and maintained an exhaustive list of FSEs within the City's <br />boundaries and inspected each FSE to inventory cooking <br />equipment, fixtures, floor sinks and drains, and grease- <br />removal equipment (GRE), as well as evaluate compliance <br />with FOG program regulations. EEC developed a FOG program <br />database that stores the kitchen equipment inventory and s a <br />created inspection frequencies based, in part, on an FSE's�� <br />potential to release FOG Into the sewer system. EEC used the <br />City's GIS to determine an FSE's potential to impact sewer line <br />elevated maintenance locations (EMLs). EEC has been <br />inspecting FSEs in Santa Ana for the past decade. Project <br />highlights include: r <br />• FOG program development and management support J inspector Using Mobile <br />• <br />Permitting inspections Device to Gather FSE Data wyacyosv <br />ave F c <br />• FSE kitchen BMP inspections <br />• GRE inspections <br />EEC Proposal to Provide FOG Program Services 3 July 31, 2014 <br />25E -18 <br />