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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />• Caltrans' Carbon Monoxide (CO) protocol screening procedure demonstrated that <br />the project would not have a material effect on localized CO concentrations; <br />• the proposed project is not considered a project of air quality concern, as defined by <br />40 CFR 93.123(b)(1), and as such, a qualitative PM2.5 /PM10 (particulate matter 2.5 <br />and 10 microns or less in diameter) hot -spot evaluation is not required. It is unlikely <br />that the proposed project would generate new air quality violations, worsen existing <br />violations, or delay attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) <br />for PM2.5 or PM10; and <br />• the proposed project was found to have no potential for significant mobile- source air <br />toxics (MSAT) emissions (using FHWA guidance) and is not linked with any special <br />MSAT concern. <br />Proposed avoidance and /or minimization measures include: <br />AQ -1 The project would conform to Caltrans' construction requirements, as specified in <br />the Caltrans' Standard Specifications, Section 7-1.01F (Air Pollution Control): "The <br />Contractor shall comply with all air pollution control ordinances and statutes which apply to <br />any work performed pursuant to the contract, including any air pollution control rules, <br />regulations, ordinances and statutes, specified in Section 11017 of the Government Code." <br />AQ -2 The proposed project, although not a large operation under the Rule's definition <br />would be required to implement measures for each source of PM10 emissions, as specified <br />in SCAQMD Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust) Implementation Handbook. <br />6.3 Initial Site Assessment (ISA): <br />Table 5 lists identified or potential environmental concerns based on site reconnaissance <br />and review of historical information sources regarding the acquisition and temporary <br />construction easement parcels (BOLD = Recognized Environmental Condition): <br />Follow up Phase I Environmental Site Assessments were conducted on the area along <br />Fuller Street north of Fruit Street, the County maintenance facility and the industrial <br />buildings at the south end of the acquisition area, south of Sixth Street. Additional Phase 11 <br />Environmental Site Assessment was also performed on 1111 and 1143 Fruit Street (A -9). <br />The result of the Phase 11 Site Assessment did not indicate significant soil impacts that <br />would require remediation. However, access to the remaining properties has limited further <br />analysis. As a result, the following recommendations were made to be completed at a later <br />date: <br />HAZ -1 A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is recommended during the final design <br />phase for parts of the study area as follows: parcel A -1 (1024 Fuller): currently the auto <br />repair shop: sampling if indicated (interior inspection required); parcel A -2 (1022 Fuller): <br />former machine shop with degreaser, auto wrecking and auto repair shop; parcel A -4 (1020 <br />Fuller): former paint manufacturer, former auto body shop, former metals recovery facility; <br />parcel A -5 (1016 Fuller): former machine shop; parcel A -6 (1012 Fuller): former paint spray <br />booth, former paint manufacturer ( Jasco Chemical); parcel A -7 (1008 Fuller): Jasco <br />Chemical. The Phase II ESA would include soil sampling for petroleum hydrocarbons, <br />volatile organic compounds, heavy metals and /or those chemicals formerly stored on site by <br />Jasco Chemical, as appropriate for each individual location. <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E -24 15 <br />