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U. TOOL SANITATION <br />On all trees, including palms, known or suspected to be diseased, pruning tools and cut <br />surfaces shall be disinfected with a twenty -five (25) percent chlorine bleach solution or <br />one hundred (100) percent Lysol, after each cut and between trees where there is danger <br />of transmitting the disease on tools. Fresh solution shall be mixed daily. Old solutions <br />shall be disposed of through proper disposal methods. Dumping used or old bleach <br />solutions on the ground or down the storm drain and will result in severe penalties to the <br />Contractor. <br />V. WILDLIFE PROTECTION <br />(1) The Contractor shall have a wildlife protection program that outlines employee <br />protocol when discovering wildlife in trees scheduled for pruning. A copy of the <br />program material shall be made available to the Projects Manager or designee. <br />(2) Prior to the commencement of any work in the vicinity of any tree, each tree shall <br />be visually surveyed, from all sides, for the sole purpose of detecting the <br />presence of bird nests or wildlife of any type. If a nest is found and is determined <br />to be active, there shall be no work of any type in the tree in which the nest is <br />found without the verbal or written permission of the City Arborist or designated <br />representative. At no time shall any nest or wildlife be removed from its location. <br />(3) In the event that wildlife is accidentally displaced and needs assistance, the <br />Contractor shall notify the City's Animal Control service and /or the nearest <br />appropriate animal rescue facility, as identified in the Contractor's submittal <br />required herein regarding "Protection of Wildlife', shall be contacted for <br />assistance. <br />W. UNDERGROUND EXCAVATIONS <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for locating all underground utility lines to insure the <br />safety of his /her work crew and to protect, in place, existing utility equipment before <br />commencing any excavation. Contractor shall contact the Projects Manager or designee <br />and Underground Service Alert (1 -800- 227 -2600) 48 hours before commencing any <br />excavation, to locate underground service lines. <br />III. TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS <br />A. TREEINVENTORY <br />(1) Upon contract award, the successful Proposer shall be required to provide a <br />complete update of the City's tree inventory at no additional cost to the City and <br />submit the completed inventory to the City within six (6) months of the contract <br />award. The tree inventory data shall conform to the existing tree inventory <br />database and include but not be limited to the following data fields: <br />(2) Tree Location <br />A Global Positioning System (GPS) tree inventory shall be created with a <br />new database using the City's standardized addressing system for all <br />City owned or maintained easement. The Contractor shall be required to <br />create an ESRI ArcGIS compatible "shapefile ". <br />City of Santa Ana Street Tree Maintenance RFP <br />19E -25 Page 22 <br />