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with a Southern California Edison Service Planner and subsequent field <br />review of the proposed project area: <br />Aerial <br />west side of Bristol Street from Memory Lane to <br />approximately Santiago Creek. <br />east side of Bristol Street from Santiago Creek to <br />approximately 200 feet north of 17th Street. <br />west side of Bristol Street from Washington Avenue to <br />First Street. <br />east side of Bristol Street from First Street to McFadden <br />Avenue. <br />west side of Bristol Street from Edinger Avenue to <br />Warner Avenue. <br />Mi =6_4 <br />east side of Bristol Street from approximately 200 feet <br />north of 17th Street to Washington Avenue. <br />east side of Bristol Street between McFadden Avenue <br />and Edinger Avenue. <br />In addition to the above - mentioned facilities, there are some incidental <br />underground facilities located at various locations along the roadway. <br />The exact location of these facilities will be identified by the Edison <br />Company when final construction plans are made available. <br />Natural Gas <br />Southern California Gas Company is responsible for the provision of <br />natural gas to businesses and residents in the City of Santa Ana. The <br />proposed project area is served by an underground pipeline located <br />within the existing Bristol Street right -of -way. <br />The natural gas pipeline is situated within the westerly side of the <br />Bristol Street right -of -way varying in location from 5 feet to 42 feet <br />from the existing property lines. According to Southern California Gas <br />Company, the pipeline is located at an average depth of 36 inches and <br />consists of primarily 8 -inch and 8 5/8 -inch diameter lines with some 10- <br />inch diameter sections. Additionally, a series of lateral lines carry <br />natural gas directly to the individual properties along Bristol Street and <br />vary in size from 3/8 inch to 3 inches in diameter. These lines serve <br />M -58 <br />75C -129 <br />