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LOS of "D ", a fourth westbound through lane was not recommended at this <br />intersection. <br />The proposed lane configuration on the east approach of Memory LAne at <br />Bristol Street consists of a left -turn lane, a through lane, an optional dtrough- <br />right -tarn lane, and an exclusive right -turn lane. The projected eastbound <br />right -turn movement is anticipated to be heavier than either the left or <br />through movements during both the AM and PM peak hours. The proposed <br />lane configuration and eastbound right -turn overlap with northbound left -turn <br />movement will greatly aid traffic signal operations at this location through the <br />efficient use of the signal cycle. <br />The existing east -west, split -pbase operation at the Bristol Street/ Memory <br />Lane intersection regulates the flow of intra- regional traffic traveling towards <br />Flower Street. The proposed widening of Bristol Street will provide additional <br />capacity that will adequately accommodate most of this intra - regional traffic. <br />The traffic demand on Flower Street will therefore be substantially reduced, <br />and the need for the east -west, split -phase diminished. An eight - phase, fully- - <br />actuated operation is therefore recommended at this intersection <br />The anticipated V/C ratios at the Washington Avenue and First Street <br />intersections along Bristol Street are higher than the City's desired V/C ratio <br />of 0.85. As indicated in Table 5 (page 1 -18), however, these V/C ratios <br />correspond the acceptable Levels of Service of "D ". <br />A southbound right -anti lane at the Washington Avenue intersection, and a <br />fourth westbound through lane on First Street at its intersection with Bristol <br />Street would reduce the anticipated V/C ratios at these intersections to 0.85 <br />or better. These additional lanes would, however, require the acquisition of <br />substantial amounts of right -of -way. The fourth southbound and westbound <br />rhru lanes would require twelve feet of additional right -o£ -way on the west side <br />of Bristol Street at Memory Lane and at 171h Street and on the south side of <br />First Street at Bristol Street. This additional right -of -way would be required <br />for a distance of approximately 420 feet on each side of the intersection. <br />The southbound right -turn lane at Washington Avenue would require an <br />additional five feet of right -of -way on the west of Bristol Street for a distance <br />of 220 feet north of Washington Avenue. <br />Due to the extensive additional rights -of -way required at each intersection and <br />the anticipated acceptable LOS of "D ", the additional lanes were not <br />recommended at these intersections. <br />Protected left turn phasing warrants were evaluated at all signalized <br />intersections under projected year 2006 traffic volumes. Protected left Turn <br />TV -71 <br />75C -206 <br />