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MAJOR COMMUNITY FACH -rrIES IMPACTS <br />The cost for acquisition of land and improvements to provide the necessary <br />right -of -way is currently estimated at $50.3 million. Estimated construction <br />costs total $14.6 trillion. Although this cost is much higher than the other <br />alternatives, it is considered acceptable because the preferred alternative <br />preserves the major community facilities in this area and better meets the <br />Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City of Santa Ana, All alternatives avoid <br />4(f) sites. Any of the lower cost alternatives would result in significant adverse <br />effects upon these community facilities and thereby result in unacceptable <br />disruption of the community character. In addition, the preferred alignment <br />involves a larger number of full-take parcels. These larger parcels can be <br />more effectively redeveloped than remnant parcels, in a comprehensive and <br />integrated manner, consistent with the design and development objectives for <br />the Bristol Corridor Redevelopment project, recently adopted by the Santa <br />Ana Redevelopment Agency. <br />-M s l�il�• ••�t � It ; • <br />This alternative would involve modifications to the existing transpor- <br />tation facility that would improve its traffic moving efficiency, without <br />acquiring additional right -of -way. Traffic signals throughout the subject <br />segment of Bristol Street are already synchronized. Insufficient <br />roadway width and right -of -way exists to enable restriping to add <br />additional through lanes or additional turn lanes at the intersections. <br />The addition of bus stops was not suggested by the Orange County <br />Transit District, and without acquiring right -of -way to establish a bus <br />II -20 <br />75C -65 <br />R <br />w <br />T <br />• <br />W <br />T <br />Preferred <br />Alt.I <br />Alt.2 <br />Alt.3 <br />Alternative, <br />(both sides) <br />(east side) <br />(west side} <br />Mater Dei <br />None <br />None <br />Substantial <br />None <br />high School <br />acquisition <br />Rancho Santiago <br />Minimal <br />Substantial <br />None <br />Substantial <br />Community College <br />acquisition on <br />acquisition <br />acquisition <br />the 17th street <br />froutage <br />Santiago Elementary <br />None <br />None <br />None <br />None <br />School [4(f)] <br />Bristol Street <br />None <br />Substantial <br />Substantial <br />None <br />Reservoir <br />acquisition <br />acquisition <br />The cost for acquisition of land and improvements to provide the necessary <br />right -of -way is currently estimated at $50.3 million. Estimated construction <br />costs total $14.6 trillion. Although this cost is much higher than the other <br />alternatives, it is considered acceptable because the preferred alternative <br />preserves the major community facilities in this area and better meets the <br />Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City of Santa Ana, All alternatives avoid <br />4(f) sites. Any of the lower cost alternatives would result in significant adverse <br />effects upon these community facilities and thereby result in unacceptable <br />disruption of the community character. In addition, the preferred alignment <br />involves a larger number of full-take parcels. These larger parcels can be <br />more effectively redeveloped than remnant parcels, in a comprehensive and <br />integrated manner, consistent with the design and development objectives for <br />the Bristol Corridor Redevelopment project, recently adopted by the Santa <br />Ana Redevelopment Agency. <br />-M s l�il�• ••�t � It ; • <br />This alternative would involve modifications to the existing transpor- <br />tation facility that would improve its traffic moving efficiency, without <br />acquiring additional right -of -way. Traffic signals throughout the subject <br />segment of Bristol Street are already synchronized. Insufficient <br />roadway width and right -of -way exists to enable restriping to add <br />additional through lanes or additional turn lanes at the intersections. <br />The addition of bus stops was not suggested by the Orange County <br />Transit District, and without acquiring right -of -way to establish a bus <br />II -20 <br />75C -65 <br />R <br />w <br />T <br />• <br />W <br />T <br />