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geometry or street traffic patterns. A pattern of locations like mid - <br />blockversus intersection crashes can reveal localized problems <br />with visibility, engineering or driver education. The results of our <br />collision analyses often directly affect our design recommended <br />bicycle and pedestrian treatments throughout the study area. <br />KTU +A acknowledges that there is an on -going Safe Mobility Plan <br />and will coordinate on the data collected in that effort to ensure <br />consistency. <br />Data analyzed such as collisions, demographics, safe routes and <br />the level of traffic stress models will provide data driven metrics <br />for identifying short and long -term projects for implementation <br />and grant writing purposes.This analysis can also provide the base <br />information that drives the recommendations through the public <br />outreach and charrette process. <br />Task 1.5: Prepare Base Maps <br />KTU +A will coordinate with Santa Ana, SCAG, Orange County and <br />other GIS organizations to collect data and prepare base maps <br />for design and analysis work and for use at the pre - charrette <br />visits, walking and biking tours, outreach materials and charrette <br />design tables.These maps will include the most recently available <br />high - resolution aerials, with added layers for street names, major <br />community destinations, right- of-way characteristics and other <br />pertinent data. KTU +A has the in -house capabilities to plot char- <br />rette design table maps up to 30 -feet long. For the Downtown <br />Complete Streets Plan, multiple six -foot maps were plotted to fit <br />onto the tables to provide clean and usable maps for the differ- <br />ent exercises. From our experience conducting workshops and <br />charrettes, it's important that both clarity and flexibility be part of <br />the mapping process. We plot these large table maps for similar <br />projects to allow the attendees a detailed view of the study area. <br />These table maps will be developed in CIS for ease of data use, <br />plotting and file transfer back to the city. <br />KTU +A has recently developed a GIS -based Low Stress Rout- <br />ing (LSR) tool to identify cycling and walking routes.This tool <br />incorporates bicycle boulevard and neighborhood greenway <br />characteristics to identify non - motorized transportation routes. <br />The inputs will be similar to those of the five corridors, with 25 <br />mph speed limits and activity centers such as schools, parks and <br />transit.The LSR is then run to connect these activity centers and <br />other locations identified along the five corridors by city staff and <br />Advisory Group Input.This affords a cost- effective and data - driven <br />analysis of existing and future bicycle and pedestrian routes that <br />can be presented as connectors between the five main corridors <br />and serve as safe routes to schools, parks and transit. As part of <br />this analysis, the KTU +A team will include possible connections <br />recommended by the on -going Bicycle Master Plan and Circula- <br />tion Element to ensure consistency between efforts. <br />Potential <br />Low Stress <br />connections <br />for Central <br />Santa Ana <br />To assist in the design development and future grant writing <br />purposes, KOA will conduct AM and PM peak -hour bike- pedestri- <br />an counts at two locations per corridor for a total of ten counts. In <br />addition, another set of counts will be conducted at two locations <br />for up to five connecting corridors for another set of ten bike -pe- <br />destrian counts. We intend to conduct up to a total of 20 bike -pe- <br />destrian counts to get a baseline of non - motorized activities along <br />the study area corridors.The locations of the five priority corridor <br />counts will be determined by the KTU +A team and city staff with <br />the connecting corridors either by the Advisory Group or through <br />the community charrette. <br />Task 1.6: Pre - Charrette Visit <br />The KTU +A team will conduct a two -day pre - charrette visit to <br />coincide with the first Advisory Group meeting (see Task 2.1). The <br />pre - charrette visit will include a meeting with the project partners <br />and selected stakeholders, and a tour to photograph the area to <br />assess existing conditions. <br />Another major component of this task, conducted prior to the <br />pre - charrette visit, would be to provide a high level of CIS existing <br />conditions mapping.This mapping will be used in the field to ver- <br />ify the existing data. Some of the topics that will be analyzed early <br />in the process (depending on data availability) could include: <br />Existing and proposed Average DailyTraffic (ADT) volumes <br />Existing and proposed Level of Service (LOS) and configura- <br />tions including; existing street geometry, number of lanes, lane <br />widths, medians, turn lanes and special facilities <br />Existing intersection control devices such as signals, stop signs, <br />uncontrolled intersections, special pedestrian crossings, marked <br />and unmarked legal crossing points <br />Existing and proposed land uses <br />Existing and proposed housing densities <br />Existing and proposed employment densities <br />Existing major activity centers <br />Existing and proposed transit stops (hoardings and alightings) <br />and special upgraded transit systems <br />Central Santa Ana Complete Street Plan RFP No.; 15-067 251-13 10 <br />