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curriculum. The total core curriculum is approximately 120 hours of classroom <br />training, 40 additional hours may be added as a precondition for particular crafts <br />D. OCLF will expose youth to the various post- secondary educational institutions by <br />hosting career days, college nights where school administrators are invited to <br />speak, field trips to local campuses and hosting higher education workshops. <br />E. All youth participants will receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first <br />aid certificate and the U.S. Department of Labor /Occupational Safety and Health <br />Administration (OSHA) 10 hour certificate. <br />F. Traditionally, building trades have been a high growth industry in Orange <br />County. As the industry continues to rebound, thedemand for skilled, reliable, <br />entry level workers will continue to increase to replace those who are retiring <br />from their work as laborers. <br />8. Tutoring <br />A. OCLF will provide tutoring to youth that need help improving their math and <br />writing skills.During orientation, youth will be assessed and then placed in <br />appropriate tutoring schedules. Youth will review math and English <br />requirements for apprenticeship programs to increase their chances of <br />successfully passing the entrance exams. Case Manager will work closely with all <br />participants to help meet the needs of all youth. Tutoring will be facilitated by <br />the Case Manager and staff of the OCLF throughout the program term. <br />9. Mentoring <br />A. A. The OCLF will build a cohort of mentors that will work closely with youth. <br />Potential mentors will include Local Union Presidents, executive board members, <br />college professors and teachers among others. After youth are assessed, they <br />will matched with the appropriate mentor based on career interest. Mentors will <br />be required to pass a background check, attend an orientation and commit to a <br />certain number of hours per week. <br />B. Working closely with Family Resource Center and the Kinship Program, all youth <br />that has encountered challenging obstacles will be referred for professional help. <br />This includes, but not limited to, mental health counselors, family counselors, <br />support group and self- esteem workshops. <br />C. Yes, as mentioned above, Family Resource Center has agreed to collaborate in <br />this effort by providing access to mental health programs. <br />D. As mentioned above, Kinship, a re -entry program, has agreed to collaborate in <br />this effort by providing alcohol & drug counseling and referral to second level <br />support, if needed. <br />Exhibit A 6 <br />