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<br />` Storm Drain Master Plan �
<br />Phase 2 1 li No. 16 -02
<br />Watershed Planning and Engineering, Orange County, California, County of Orange. Project
<br />Manager. Responsible for project management. Michael Baker assisted with watershed planning
<br />and engineering, including preparation of watershed management plans, updates of hydromodification
<br />management plans (HMP), design services, and construction documents for post- construction best
<br />management practices (BMP). The project included development of standard low- impact development
<br />(LID) designs, revisions to the HMP, negotiations with the San Diego Regional Board staff regarding
<br />the HMP provisions, assistance with grant applications, development of the 2013 NSMP BMP
<br />Strategic Plan, and assistance with development of the Selenium TMDL for the Newport Bay
<br />Watershed.
<br />Storm Water Management Program Development, Implementation and Training, Orange
<br />County, California. County of Orange. Project Manager. Responsible for project
<br />management. Michael Baker Is providing technical support to assist the Orange County NPDES
<br />permittees with the development and implementation of the plan development elements of the
<br />countywide municipal stormwater program at a countywide programmatic level. The County of
<br />Orange, the Orange County Flood Control District, and incorporated cities received municipal NPDES
<br />permits in July 1990 from the Santa Ana and San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
<br />These permits were subsequently renewed in 1996 and again in 2002. With each permit renewal, the
<br />municipal program requirements were increased significantly.
<br />Oso Creek Multi -Use Trail, Laguna Niguel, California. City of Laguna Niguel. Project
<br />Manager. Michael Baker prepared final plans, specifications, and estimates for a multi -use trail along
<br />the western edge of Forbes Road, between its terminus at the Three Flags Commercial Center to the
<br />north and the Metrolink Commuter Rail Transit Station to the south. The multi -use trail includes a 12-
<br />foot wide pervious asphalt section adjacent to a 10 -foot wide DG section. The AC trail serves as the
<br />Orange County Flood Control District's maintenance road for the Oso Creek Channel. The project
<br />funding source requires that the project Implement water quality features within the project limits. As
<br />such, the project includes a bio- retention parkway approximately 650 feet long by 15 feet wide.
<br />Additional improvements include hardscape enhancements, such as boulders and cobble stone,
<br />decorative crosswalk designs, street furniture and related bike and equestrian amenities, decorative
<br />fencing, and street/trail way- finding and interpretive sigrage.
<br />California Low Impact Development Manual, Statewide, California, County of San
<br />Bernardino. Project Manager. Michael Baker provided management for the development of the
<br />Southern California Low Impact Development (LID) Manual. Michael Baker facilitated stakeholder
<br />meetings, provided review of the manual, and assisted the project manager with direction for the draft
<br />final products. The final LID Manual has been published and has been placed on the LID section of
<br />the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) website.
<br />Heritage Fields Drainage and Water Quality Master Plans, Irvine, California. Fivepoint
<br />Communities (formerly Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC). Task Manager. Low impact development task
<br />manager. Michael Baker provided regional hydrology, master planning of backbone facilities, and GIS
<br />mapping for the overall Heritage Fields project. The project encompasses 850 acres of the former El
<br />Toro Marine Corps Air Station and borders the Great Park. It will provide approximately 1,100
<br />residential dwelling units together with two golf courses, riparian corridors, lake features, and trail
<br />connections. The master plan of drainage included six regional watersheds (Marshburn, Bee Canyon,
<br />Ague Chinon, Borrego, Serrano, and Upper San Diego Creek) passing through the project site and a
<br />master plan of water quality for all districts of Heritage Fields.
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<br />I N T E R N AT I O N A t
<br />20C -43
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