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Y I �Storm Drain Master Plan � <br />Phase 2 ( RFP No, 16 -02 <br />Jeremy Hohnbaum, PE, QSD/QSP, LEED AP I Low impact <br />De vo l o pm en t /Re tro fit tin g <br />Mr. Hohnbaum is a Project Engineer with broad experience in <br />both flood control and water quality branches of stormwater <br />management. Since joining Michael Baker he has prepared <br />quantity and cost estimate worksheets and technical reports, <br />and has experience with hydraulic /hydrologic modeling. He has <br />prepared stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) <br />and erosion control plans. He has design experience with non- <br />structural and structural Best Management Practices <br />(BMPs). His computer modeling background includes the <br />application of the Army Corps of Engineers Flood Hydrograph <br />HEC -1, Water Surface Profiles HEC -2, HEC-RAS (River <br />Analysis System), Advanced Engineering Software for <br />hydrologic /hydraulic analysis in Southern California, and <br />Pollutant Load Reduction Modeling (PLRM). Mr. Hohnbaum has been involved on various phases of <br />projects including field reconnaissance, preliminary design, final design, and report preparation. <br />Recent Experience includes: <br />Sustainable Water Master Plan, Santa Monica, California. City of Santa <br />Monica. Engineer. Responsibilities included water quality evaluation, water harvest and use analysis, <br />gray water supply and demand analysis, and regional stormwater capture planning and feasibility <br />analysis. Michael Baker assisted the city with the rainwater, gray water, and stormwater sections of <br />the city's sustainable water master plan. Michael Baker's services included geographic information <br />system (GIS) rainfall analysis and gray water demand analysis, identification of potential stormwater <br />capture locations at a local and regional level, and evaluation of the feasibility of stormwater reuse. <br />Watershed Planning and Engineering, Orange County, California. County of <br />Orange, Engineer. Responsibilities included water quality. Michael Baker assisted with watershed <br />planning and engineering, including preparation of watershed management plans, updates of <br />hydromodification management plans (HMP), design services, and construction documents for post - <br />construction best management practices (BMP). The project included development of standard low - <br />impact development (LID) designs, revisions to the HMP, negotiations with the San Diego Regional <br />Board staff regarding the HMP provisions, assistance with grant applications, development of the <br />2013 NSMP BMP Strategic Plan, and assistance with development of the Selenium TMDL for the <br />Newport Bay Watershed. <br />Oso Creek Multi -Use Trail, Laguna Niguel, California. City of Laguna Niguel. Project <br />Manager. Michael Baker prepared final plans, specifications, and estimates for a multi -use trail along <br />the western edge of Forbes Road, between its terminus at the Three Flags Commercial Center to the <br />north and the Metrolink Commuter Rail Transit Station to the south. The multi -use trail includes a 12- <br />foot wide pervious asphalt section adjacent to a 10 -foot wide DG section. The AC trail serves as the <br />Orange County Flood Control District's maintenance road for the Oso Creek Channel. The project <br />funding source requires that the project implement water quality features within the project limits. As <br />such, the project includes a bio- retention parkway approximately 650 feet long by 15 feet wide. <br />Additional improvements include hardscape enhancements, such as boulders and cobble stone, <br />decorative crosswalk designs, street furniture and related bike and equestrian amenities, decorative <br />fencing, and street /trail way - finding and interpretive signage, <br />d117e,c h,u rn 23 j f; na ar'�'iae <br />N T R R RA'r 1 e 4 A L <br />20C -44 <br />