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Storm Drain Master Plan <br />f Phase 2 1 RFP No. 16 -02 <br />s, <br />'V Or <br />San Bernardino County Retrofit Study, San Bernardino County, California. County of San <br />Bernardino, Engineer. Responsibilities included water quality. Michael Baker assisted the San <br />Bernardino County Flood Control District and San Bernardino co- permittees with two system -wide <br />evaluations as part of the watershed action plan. Michael Baker performed these studies during a four <br />month timeframe to meet permit requirements to Identify opportunities to retrofit stormwater <br />conveyance systems and parks and other recreational areas with water quality protection measures. <br />Michael Baker used the Integrated Watershed Assessment Tool for Restoration, which incorporates a <br />geographic information system -based model, to identify and evaluate more than 140 sites. <br />Southgate Neighborhood Storm Drainage and Green Street Improvements, Palo Alto, <br />California. City of Palo Alto, Engineer. Responsibilities included water quality. Michael Baker <br />provided civil engineering services for the Southgate Neighborhood Storm Drainage Improvements <br />and Green Street Project, Michael Baker's services included identification and evaluation of optimal <br />best management practice (BMP) locations; development of final plans, specifications, and cost <br />estimates for green street elements; and public involvement. <br />Malibu Creek Watershed Feasibility Study, Los Angeles County, California. County of Los <br />Angeles. Engineer. Michael Baker performed a study to identify retrofitting opportunities in the <br />Malibu Creek Watershed to address multiple pollutants in stormwater runoff. Michael Baker's <br />services included identification of potential retrofit sites for regional and local structural best <br />management practices (BMP), evaluation of watershed water quality data, assessment of the <br />feasibility of implementing BMPs in the identified sites, the development of an implementation plan, <br />preparation of conceptual designs for 24 BMPs, and preparation of final designs for four of the BMPs. <br />Structural Best Management Practices - Malibu Creek Watershed Planning and Feasibility <br />Study, Los Angeles County, California. County of Los Angeles, Engineer. Michael Baker assisted <br />the County of Los Angeles with identification of retrofitting opportunities in the Malibu Creek <br />watershed to address multiple pollutants in stormwater runoff. The study included identification of <br />potential retrofit sites for both regional and local structural best management practices (BMP), <br />evaluation of watershed water quality data, assessment of feasibility of implementing BMPs in the <br />sites identified, and potential development of conceptual designs. Michael Baker successfully <br />identified 113 potential BMP sites to improve water quality. <br />San Bernardino County NPDES Stormwater Program Training, San Bernardino County, <br />California. County of San Bernardino. Engineer. Michael Baker is providing services for <br />development and implementation of a comprehensive training effort in support of the San Bernardino <br />County Stormwater Program. The county's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit <br />requires that the principal permittee develop, in collaboration with the Co- permittees, an updated <br />training program. The update includes the development of training modules for general stormwater <br />training; stormwater management for construction, maintenance, industrial, and commercial activities; <br />and planning and design for stormwater, including low- impact development features. The Michael <br />Baker team's tasks include identification of target audiences, key issues, and core competencies for <br />training module development; development of a proposed training outline for county and Co- <br />permittees feedback; development of draft and final training modules, pre- and post - training surveys, <br />certificates of completion, and other training materials for approval; distribution of a pre- training survey <br />to training participants; administration of the training modules, using adult learning principles, to <br />agency staff from the county and Co- permittees; implementation of the post - training survey; <br />distribution of certificates of completion for training participants; and analysis of training effectiveness, <br />using the pre- and post- training surveys. <br />A(A o ( h In, P P.5 I Ref; Of+,dS <br />114TE RNAT IONAr 20C -45 <br />