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MGT rat America Responses lt., trrci Cjty ci Sranlcl Aria <br />s, a Re:clu eO fcor '13'•035 t01' M(iryciWrDd f.ra'st <br />..,„ Cicdminq Services (Sfi 90) <br />t XIII)RIT .A <br />Annual, New and inifial Claims: Preparation and Subl-rllssion <br />r Establish schedule and approach needed to complete all annual Claims due to tho <br />starter by February 15, 2014, This includes on�slto Interviews with all appilca6le City <br />department personneL <br />>• Identify new Claims that are expected to become mandated programs during FY <br />20 19.2014, end the dap7rtments likely to be affected by these claims. As part of this <br />step, MGT will provide early claim summarlo and data collection requirements to <br />provide a head start, on documeirtatlon strategies, <br />> Weric with the city, as new clalining Instruetlons are issued by the SC), to establish <br />schedules and approaches needed to complete all new or firstethne clalrns due <br />dtn'Ing the h'isgl Year, <br />Facilitate department interviews whero staff d%crlbo haw the City complies with <br />the specific mandated programs and assist, the City to determine eligible costs based <br />Oil the failowIng crlt'oria: <br />^ The test Claim's Statement, of DOC141011 <br />The California Commission an State Mandates approved Parametors and <br />Wdelhres <br />The SCYs ciahning instructions <br />A plow other Agencies arotn'rd the state are complying with wd interpretdng the <br />mandato <br />Prepare all necessary departmont-wido ICRPs in nccordanre with OMB AM87, MGT <br />consoltants have prepared thousands of ICRPs over the past 25 years, We bolleve <br />that our experience has developed a depth of understanding, that is unmatched in <br />the field, <br />r Prepare all eligible cialms for ti)o City's SI) 90 programs, and reylew 016 claims for <br />completeness, propriety, and eligibility of costs, <br />> Perform a quality assn once review of the city's Sn 90 elnimc to enour•o that they <br />mesh with the associated department ICRPs and verity that no dlroct cosh are <br />double counted, <br />>r Discuss arty potentlal or necessary changes with the apps ^apr[ate City SO member, <br />>» Provide the completed claims and ICRPs to the City for review and slgnaturo at least <br />three weeks prior to the claiming deadline. <br />>• Plla the signed Balms with the SC6 prior w the doadllna, <br />GWT <br />OF AAWCA. 010. <br />25C -14 <br />'7 <br />a <br />rn4 ;;� 1r <br />