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Based on the daily average by hour, a minimum of 21 members (10:00 p.m.) and a maximum of 169 <br />members (8:00 a.m.) arrived at these facilities. '['his represents significantly less .Attendance than would <br />be realized using the City's parking rates for health clubs. <br />SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS <br />Because the ('fly's parking requirements do not take into account the difference in demand during <br />different hours of the day, a shared parking analysis has been performed to determine the appropriate <br />nmrther of parking spaces for this project based on time -of -day factors. <br />The Urban Land Institute (UL1) has collected data on the variation in parking demand for land uses <br />(including health clubs) by time of day and has published that data in Shared Parking (Second Edition).' <br />Table D displays the anticipated variation in parking demand generated by the proposed project using <br />the City's Parking Requirement, which is then added to the observed existing parking demand to <br />determine the future parking demand by time of day. This total is compared to the parking supply of 609 <br />spaces to determine the number of shared spaces remaining. Table D includes separate utilization <br />percentages for weekdays and weekends. <br />As ,shown in Table D, the peak shared parking demand is 1,024 at 6:00 p.m. weekdays and 1,056 at 5 :00 <br />p.m. weekends. Using the City's parking requirement of' I space per 28 sf, a mininuun of 317 spaces <br />(10:00 p.m,) and a maximum of 904 spaces (6.00 p.m.) are utilized by the health club at one time. As <br />stated earlier, this does not correspond to the sign -in data provided by 24 [lour Fitness. <br />In 2015, Linscott Law & Greenspan. ?;nginccrs (1,1:,G) submitted a parking analysis for a proposed Planet <br />Fihress at Pa cifiCenter.' Similar to this study, the Planet Fitness Study was conducted for the conversion <br />of vacant retail space to it health club in a mixed -use center in Santa Ana. In the Planet Fitness Study, <br />parking rates were identified from previous studies within the City, It was concluded that "larger (_greater <br />than 30,000 sf), more 'amenitized' health clubs have much lower parking ratios compared to typical city <br />code ratios." Table 1;, below, outlines the rates discussed in the Planet Fatness Study. <br />Table E: Peale Parking hate Summary, <br />Source <br />Rate <br />Santa Ana City Code <br />1 Space per 28 sf <br />Pff? Parking Generation' <br />I Space per 190 sl' -- <br />LA Fitness Studies' <br />I S gal ce pci I L2 2A <br />2009 24 Flory fitness 91udy <br />(plus 17%COntinRcncy) <br />_ <br />I Space )er200&1' <br />Spectrum Club Study ' <br />1 Space per 222 sl' <br />2009 24 []our Fitness Study-' <br />(ror UPC Gym) <br />I I S pace per 234 sf <br />Institute td'I'rnnvpml;uinn Fnglnem n'rFi1 Parking G'enertidnu. Pouah riditlan (2010). <br />' Parking Study by Umentl Lae R Oreenspan, Engineers (i.M. <br />Urban Land Indianan, Shared Pa Amt,,. Sccnnd P,ditiun, .taru ary 2005. <br />Linscott Law & Greenspan. Engineers, Mwised Parking Deumnd Ann(,)rels.2015, <br />6l3llfi �P:ATIIICI fiU HDacVPurking Italy ±i. +..lunedocx - <br />31 D -18 <br />