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Santa Ana Safe Mobility Plan I Revised Scope of Work <br />City of Santa Ana, CA <br />funding to the City. Finally, should the recommendations impact freeway ramp intersections or <br />other Caltrans facilities, Caltrans approvals would likely be necessary as well. <br />Our team is aware of these processes and can help guide the City of Santa Ana on the associated <br />impacts. Early in the process, our team will perform a consistency review of relevant guidelines <br />and policies to identify potential obstacles or challenges to implement certain countermeasures. <br />We will review all proposed countermeasures for consistency with local, regional, and state <br />policies, regulations, and guidelines. We will highlight inconsistencies (we will not discard any <br />potential countermeasure based on this factor alone, but call it out for consideration in project <br />prioritization), and provide recommendations that could allow implementation. <br />Recommendations may include but are not limited to engineering surveys for speed limit <br />reductions, reclassification of streets, or obtaining approval for pilot /study projects. <br />Importantly, the Nelson \Nygaard team is providing guidance and leadership in many aspects of <br />CEQA reform, and is working closely with the California State Office of Planning and Research to <br />develop meaningful responses to the new policies and shifting priorities. As such, our team is well <br />positioned to provide support for environmental review of the plan, should a need be determined. <br />Deliverables: Technical memorandum reviewing consistency of proposed countermeasures with <br />local, region, and state policies, regulations, and guidelines. <br />�uirlpttoris and or' arxc)usions to thesegpe oftaordc <br />We. suggest presenting preliminary findings of an initial consistency review as an early <br />confirmation during TAC meeting number z (see Task r), <br />The Nelson \Nygaard team will prepare cost estimates for street improvement options at the street <br />segment or intersection level. The cost estimates will use local unit costs to provide a planning <br />level understanding of the cost implications of each improvement to allow for a cost constrained <br />plan that the City to include cost as a measure of effectiveness. The cost information developed <br />will be included in the prioritization system as an input to the ultimate ranking of the <br />countermeasures. <br />Deliverables: Planning level cost estimates for projects identified in Task 6.1 <br />Preliminary engineering cost opinions for the 5 project cut sheets <br />Assumplions and/ or exclusions to the scone of work <br />No special concerns. <br />To inform this task, we will develop a technical memorandum early in the project that proposes a <br />set of preliminary project prioritization criteria based on our experience conducting bicycle and <br />pedestrian plans in other cities as well as criteria used in other active transportation safety plans. <br />The draft criteria can be discussed with the TAC during the first meeting early in the planning <br />process. As discussed in Task 5, active transportation prioritization processes typically include <br />measures reflective of demand, network deficiency and feasibility. The criteria that will be used to <br />rank projects along street segments or intersections will be informed by the data collection, <br />Wlson Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. 113 <br />25F -22 <br />