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CUP No. 2016-36 and VA No. 2016-07 <br />November 28, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br />sound wall will be built at the south property line adjacent to the residential uses, with a 10 -foot high <br />wall proposed along a portion of the east property line that will extend for a distance of 60 feet <br />(Exhibit 9). As proposed, these improvements will result in an enhanced project that will minimize <br />impacts to the adjacent community. As a result, staff is recommending approval of the proposed car <br />wash project. <br />Public Notification <br />The project site is located within the Riverview West Neighborhood Association. Staff contacted the <br />president of this association, who had no concerns with the proposed project. Additionally, the <br />project site was posted with a notice advertising this public hearing, a notice was published in the <br />Orange County Reporter and mailed notices were sent to all property owners within 500 feet of the <br />project site. At the time of this printing, staff received one call regarding the project. Staff met with <br />the individuals to review the circulation and design of the project. <br />CEQA Compliance <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act the recommended action is exempt from <br />further review per Section 15332. This Class 32 exemption allows infill development provided they <br />are consistent with the zoning and General Plan, do not have any noise or traffic impacts, and can <br />be served by existing utilities. <br />The car wash facility is a new, small facility that has been found by the City's development review <br />agencies to not create any adverse impacts. The facility is proposed to be located on a site that is <br />not designated by federal, state, or local agencies to be an environmental resource of hazardous or <br />critical concern. The cumulative impact of this project will not be significant as there are no other <br />similar car wash facilities currently on or near the site, the property is already served by roads and <br />utilities, and will not create any adverse impacts such as noise, traffic, or safety concerns. There is <br />no reasonable possibility that the project will have a significant effect on the environment due to <br />unusual circumstances. The project is not located within a highway officially designated as a state <br />scenic highway and will not result in damage to scenic resources. The project is not located on a <br />site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. <br />Lastly, the project is not proposed on a site that is considered a historical resource or that is listed in <br />the Santa Ana Register of Historic Properties. As a result, Categorical Exemption Environmental <br />Review No. 2016-20 will be filed for this project. <br />Strateaic Plan Alignment <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal No. 3 Economic Development, <br />Objectives No. 2 (create new opportunities for business/job growth and encourage private <br />development through new General Plan and Zoning Ordinance policies). <br />31A-8 <br />