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BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />General Terms and Conditions <br />Exhibit B <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />1. Detlnitiuns. <br />Lit. "Object Code" means the Products in a machine readable Come that <br />The capitalized words; terns land phrases in this Agreement shall is not convenient to human understanding of the program logic, and <br />]love the meanings sot forth below: that can be executed by a computer using the appropriate operating <br />system without compilation or interpretation, Object Code <br />1.01. "Agreement' means the SELECT Program Agrecurcnt executed by specifically excludes source code. <br />Bentley mid the Subscriber and all exhibits, attachments and <br />amendmentsas in effect from time to time. I,]7. "Online Agreement" shalt be defined. as set forth in Exhibit A, <br />Section 4 herein, <br />1.02. <br />"Bentley Products" or "Products" mean the software products, data <br />1 18 <br />and other materials, previously or hereafter distributed by Bentley <br />through delivery mechanisms datounlned in Bentley's sole discretion <br />(including but not limited to distribution via SELECT Online through <br />1.19, <br />download or by ordering through CD threat) that Bentley makes <br />available to Subscriber typically in Object Code fome only, for <br />licensing hereunder, including Updates and Upgrades thereto.. <br />1:20. <br />1.03. <br />"CAL" shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit A, Section 5.02(t) <br />herein, <br />1.21. <br />L04. <br />"Channel Partner" or "Bentley Channel Partner" means <br />individuals and companies who are authorized by Bentley to provide <br />1'22 <br />SELECT support services as set forth in Exhibit A, Section 2; <br />1.05. <br />"Client Software" means software that allows a Device to access or <br />1.23. <br />utilize (or where applicable, be managed by) Server Products (and, <br />also where applicable, to utilize certain aspects of the Products when <br />discmmected from the Server). <br />1.06. <br />"Country" means the coumty{ (i) where. the Product is first obtained <br />front Bentley or a Channel Partner; or (it) specified in the purchase <br />124 <br />order fa•which a. Production Use copy of the Product may be made. <br />or the Product is aumorized to be used. <br />1,07. <br />"Definition of Use" shall have the meaning set forth in each License <br />1.25. <br />Key. <br />1.08. <br />"Device" means a single personal computer, workstation, terminal, <br />1'26' <br />band held computer, pager, telephone, personal digital assistant, <br />Server, or other electronic device. <br />1.27. <br />1109. "Distribute" means distribution by Bentley through all means now <br />known or hereinafter developed. <br />1.10. "Dean room Set" bens, with respect to a Product, one copy of one <br />or more user guides developed for use with such Product in electronic <br />format or such other format as elected by Bentley in its sole <br />discretion. <br />'-Order" shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit C, Section 1.01 <br />herein. <br />"Pre- Existbrg Works" shall be refund no set forth in Exhibit C, <br />Section 1.08 herein. <br />"Platform Exchange" shalt be defined as set forth in Exhibit A, <br />Section 3.01 herein. <br />"Portfolio Subscription" shall be defined as sot forth in Exhibit A, <br />Section 5.02(0)(1) herein. <br />"Product Subscription" shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit A, <br />Section 5.02(e)(1) herein. <br />"Production Use" means use of a Bentley Product. in Object Code <br />flami by a User or Device, as applicable, solely For Subscriber's <br />internal production purposes, and excludes External Users (except <br />with respect to use of CALs and access of Server Products pursuaint to <br />Exhibit A, Section 5.02(f) herein) and Service Bureau Use. <br />`Proprietary Information' shall be defied as set forth in Exhibit <br />B, Section 3.06m) herein. <br />"SELECT Online" shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit A, Section <br />4.01 herein. <br />'SELECT Program Fee' means the fee for SELECT Program <br />services as sot forth from time to time in Bentley's sole discretion. <br />'rSELECTserver" means Bentley's servcr -based licensing <br />technology, <br />1.28. "Serial Number" means a unique number issued by Bentley for <br />identification of a particular copy of Product, which number shnit be <br />registered to Subscriber and assigned by Subscriber to a particular <br />copy of such Product. <br />1.29. <br />1.11. "Effective Date" means the date that this Agreement is accepted by <br />Bentley as indicated on the first page of this Agreement. <br />].30. <br />L12. "Evaluation Use" means the use of a Bentley Product solely for <br />internal evaluation of such Product. Evaluation Use expressly <br />excludes use in connection with ongoing projects, use for 1'31' <br />compensation of any kind, and Production Use. <br />1.13. "External User" means any User (not air organization) who is not: <br />(i) one of Subscriber's full- time, part -time, or temporary employees; <br />or (ii) agency temporary personnel or an independent contractor on <br />assignment at Subscriber's place of business or work -site. <br />1,14, "License Kcy" means the document furnished by Bentley in <br />electronic re such other format as determined in Bentley's sole <br />discretion, to Subscriber identifying the Product licensed and <br />authorizing use are Product. <br />L.1 S. "License Term" shall be defined os set forth in Exhibit A, Section <br />5.02(c)(2) herein. <br />saoml52o-1/0005 5/11 <br />1.32. <br />"Server" means one of Subscriber's computers that can run a Server <br />Product. <br />"Server Product" means a Product that provides services or <br />functionality to Subscriber's Server(s). <br />"Service Bureau Use" includes managing, hosting, distributing or <br />otherwise providing access to Products across a wide area network, <br />"Site" means all of the discrete geographic locations at which <br />Subscriber Uses or manages the operation of Products within the <br />geographic boundaries of a. single Country. <br />1,33. `Subscriber" shall be defined as let faith on the front page of this <br />Agreement, and with respect to Use of Products the tern <br />Subscriber" shall refer to: (1) one of Subscriber's full -time, pail- <br />time ' or temporary employees; or (it) agency tempormy personnel or <br />an independent contractor engaged in Production Use on assignment <br />at Sabscrifecrz s place of business or work -site. <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />25A -10 <br />