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BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />General Tents and Conditions <br />Exhibit B <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />1.34, "Subscription License" shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit A, <br />Section 5.02(x)(1) herein. <br />1,35. `Subscription Licensing" means acquisition of a CAL or licensing <br />of a Product or portfolio of Products as set Froth in Section 5.02(e) of <br />Exhlblf A of this Agreement. <br />1.36. "Technical Support" means telephone,. facsimile, Internet and <br />electronic mail based support to assist asubscriber to the SELECT <br />Program as described in Exhibit A, Section 2.02 of this Agreement. <br />1.37. "Time Clocks" means copy - protection mechanisms, or other security 3.01. <br />devices which may deactivate Products or CALs, including Bentley's <br />SELECTserver, after termination or expiration of the Agreement, any <br />applicable License Term or any applicable renewal term. <br />1.381 "Update" means a maintenance release ofa'Product <br />1.39. "Upgrade" means a commercial release of a Product which has <br />substantial added functionality over the Product it is intended to <br />replace. <br />1.40. "Use" (whether or not capitalized) means utilization of Product or <br />CAL by an individual or when a Product has been loaded into <br />temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into permanent memory <br />(e.g. hard disk, CD -ROM; or other storage device) of a computer. <br />L41. "User" means an individunl person. <br />1.42. "Work" shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit C, Section 1,01 <br />herein. <br />IA3. "Work Product " shall be defined as set forth in Exhibit C, Section <br />Ldl herein. <br />Payment of Eenttey Invoices. <br />2.01. Payment Terms. - Subscriber shalt pay each Bentley Invoice for all <br />CALs, Product licenses and services provided hereunder within thirty <br />(30) days from the date of such invoice. Interest shall accrue on <br />delinquent payments of such invoices at the rate of one and one -half <br />percent (1.5 %) per month or the highest rate permitted by applicable <br />law, whichever is less. In the event any payment hereunder is past <br />due, Bentley, at its disci ation,. may suspend or, after notice of such <br />overdue payment and a thirty (30) day period to cure, terminate <br />Subscriber's services, rights, and licenses provided triter this <br />Agreement. <br />2.02. Taxes. Subscriber shall pay to Bentley all levied taxes that <br />Bentley is required under applicable law to collect from Subscriber by <br />reason of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, <br />Including, but not limited to sales, use, occupation, value added, <br />excise; and property taxes (except for taxes based on Bentley's net <br />income). If Subscriber is obligated under an clip lcab[it law to <br />Militate or deduct taxes from any payment of SELECT Program <br />Fees to Bentley, Subscriber shall famish to Bentley official receipts <br />evidencing Subscriber's payment of such taxes. <br />Subscriber has complied with its obligations hereunder. These records <br />shall include the location and identification of the Subscriber <br />hardware on which Subscriber uses each copy of the CALs or <br />Products. Subscriber shall, upon seven (7) days advance written <br />notice by Bentley, permit reasonable inspection and copying of such <br />records by Bentley or a third -party auditor retained by Bentley at the <br />offices of Subscriber during regular working hours. <br />Intellectual Property Rights <br />Title; Reservation of Rights. Subscriber acknowledges and agrees <br />that: <br />(a) The Products, including the Document Sets for each Product, <br />and any information which Subscriber obtains through the <br />SELECT Program or the use of SELECT Online or any other <br />means of electronic transmission, contain proprietary <br />information of Bentley, its licensors or other suppliers, and me <br />protected under United Status copyright laws, other applicable <br />copyright laws, other laws relating to the protection of <br />intellectual property, and international treaty provisions; <br />(b) The entire right, title and interest in and to the Products, the <br />Document Sets, any information Subscriber obtains through the <br />SELECT Program or the use of SELECT Online or any other <br />means of clectrunie transmission, and all associated intellectual <br />property rights, shall remain with Bentley or its licensors; <br />(a) The Products are licensed, not sold, and title to each copy of the <br />Products shall remain with Bentley or its licensors, and shall not <br />pass to Subscriber; and <br />(d) Bentley retains all rights not expressly granted <br />3,02. Source Cade. Subscriber shall have no right hereunder to receive, <br />review, use or otherwise have access to the Source code for the <br />Products. <br />3.03, Copyright Nodeeii, Subscriber shall reproduce and include on all <br />copies of the Products created by Subscriber all copyright notices anti <br />proprietary legends of Bentley or its licensors as they appear in or om <br />the original media containing the Products supplied by Bentley. <br />Roproduetion of Document Sets. Subscriber may reproduce the <br />Document Sets for its internal, non - commercial use only, but the <br />cumulative number of such reproduced Document Sets may not <br />exceed the number of Products licensed by Subscriber that <br />correspond to the Document Sets. <br />3.05. Reverse Engineering. Subscriber may not decode, reverse engineer, <br />reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the Products <br />or Document Sets except and only to the extent that such activity is <br />expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. <br />To the extent that Subscriber is expressly permitted by taw to <br />undertake any of the activities listed in The previous sentence, <br />Subscriber will not exercise those rights until It has provided Bentley <br />with thirty (30) days prior written notice of its intent to exercise such <br />rights. <br />2,03. Local Price and Currency. Calculation and payment of the SELECT <br />Program Fee or any separate- price for a0, CALs, Products and 3.06. <br />services hereunder shall be based on the local price and local <br />currency of the Subscriber's Site where such CAL, Product or service <br />is used. <br />2.04. Recom'ds; Audit. Subscriber shell maintain complete and accurate <br />records of CALs and Product Ileen8e9 prior to [lie date of this <br />Agreement and its creation and use of the CALs acquired and <br />Products licensed hereunder to permit Bentley to determine whether <br />5 €LOO2520.1 /0005 6/11 <br />25A -11 <br />Proprietary Information. <br />(a) Subscriber understands and agrees that Bentley may, in <br />connection with the provision of CALs, Products and services <br />hereunder, disclose to Subscriber confidential, proprietary and <br />technical information pertaining to Bentley Products and to <br />Bentley's technology and business practices (collectively <br />'Troprietary Information "), Subscriber agrees to treat all <br />vase 7 of 12 <br />