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BL"^NTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />General Terms and Conditions <br />Exhibit B <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />Proprietary Information in accordance with this Section 3.06 of <br />Exhibit B. <br />(b) Subscriber shall maintain the confidentiality of All Proprietary <br />Infannatien. Subscriber shall not reproduce or copy Proprietary <br />Information except as permitted in this Agreement or as may be <br />expressly authorized in writing in advance by Bentley: All such <br />copies shall be marked by Subscriber as proprietary and <br />confidential information. <br />(c) Subscriber shall only use Proprietary Information in furtherance <br />of this Agreement; and may disclose Proprietary formulation <br />only to false employees required to have knowledge of salve to <br />perform their - duties pursuant to this Agreement. Subscriber <br />shall not disclose or make Proprietary Information available to <br />any third party at any time. <br />(d) Subscriber shall heat Proprietary Information with the same 4.03, <br />degree of care as it uses to protect Its own confidential <br />information, and in no case less than a reasonable degree of <br />care. <br />(e) Upon die termination or non - renewal of this Agreement, <br />Subscriber shall mourn to Bentley or, if so requested, dedroyall <br />Proprietary hrformation in its possession. <br />(f) .Subscriber shall Have no obligation of confidentiality with <br />respect to any Proprietary Information that (i) has entered the <br />public domain other than through a breach of this Agreement, <br />(ii) has been rightfully obtained by Subscriber from a third party <br />with no obligation of confidentiality, or (Iii) is previously <br />known by Subscriber as demonstrated by clear and convincing <br />evidence. <br />(g) Subscriber shall promptly inform Bentley upon knowledge of <br />say actual or potential unauthorized use or disclosure or the <br />Proprietary hrformation, <br />107. No Benchmarks. Subscriber may not disclose the results of any <br />Product testing, including but not limited to benchmarks, to any third <br />party without first obtaining Bentley's wriden consent to do so. <br />4. Limited Warranty; Limitation of Remedies and Liability <br />4.01, Limited Warranty to Subscriber. Except for :products licensed <br />tinder Section 5.02(b), Section 5A2(e) Br Section 5.02(4) of Exhibit A <br />hereof, which are provided to Subscriber "AS -IS" and without <br />womanly of any kind, Bentley hereby warrants for tile benefit only of <br />Subscriber that (a) for a period of ninety (90) (lays ("Warranty <br />Period "). train the date of delivery to Subscriber of a Serial Number <br />or Product, as the case may be, the Product shall, under normal use, <br />operate in substantial conformance with the functional specifications <br />set forth in the Document Set applicable to such Product, and (b) for a <br />period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery, other products <br />and materials famished by 13cnticy to Subscriber shall, under normal <br />use, operate in substantial conformance with the Bentley <br />documentation applicable to such products and materials. If any <br />modifications, enhancements or changes are trade by Subscriber or at <br />Subscriber's direction to the Products; if the Products are reverse - <br />englneeted, decompiled or disassembled; or if Subscriber breaches <br />the terns of this Agreement, then the warranties in this section shall <br />be immediately terminated. This limited warranty gives Subscriber <br />specific legal rights, Subscriber may have other rights which may <br />vary from state/jurisdiction to stateljurealiction. <br />4.02. Exclusion of Warranties. THE WARRANTIES STATED IN <br />SECTION 4.01 ARE BENTLEY'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE <br />WARRANTIES PERTAINING TO THE PRODUCTS, SELECT <br />SEL0n2520d /0005 5/11 <br />SUPPORT SERVICES AND OTHER MATERIALS AND <br />SERVICES LICENSED, DELIVERED OR OTHERWISE <br />FURNISHED BY BENTLEY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, <br />BENTLEY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCTS, <br />SELECT SUPPORT SERVICES, OR ANY OTITER SERVICE OR <br />MATERIALS WILL MEET SUBSCRIBER'S REQUIREMENTS, <br />BE FREE FROM VIRUSES OR OPERATE UNINTERRUPTED OR <br />ERROR FREE. BENTLEY NPREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER <br />WARRANTIES EITHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, <br />INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES <br />AGAINST NON- INFRINGEMENT AND THE IMPLIED <br />WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY <br />QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, <br />THESE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO SUBSCRIBER AS <br />SOME STATES /JURISDICTION DO NOT ALLOW THE <br />EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES. <br />Exclusive Remedy. The entire liability of Bentley and the sole, and <br />exclusive remedy of Subscriber shall be, in Bentley's sole and <br />absolute discretion, (1) to repair or replace a Product or other <br />materials in broach of the foregoing warranties, (if) to advise. <br />Subscriber how to achieve the same functionality with the Product as <br />described in the Document Set thorough a procedure different from <br />that set forth in the Document Set, or (ii) to muslin the purchase price <br />or fees paid therefore, where written notice of such breach, specifying <br />the detect, is fhndshcd to Bentley dm'arg the Warranty Period. <br />Repaired, comeeted, or replaced Products. and Document Sets shall be <br />covered by this limited warranty for ninety (90) days after the date; <br />(a) of shipment to Subscriber of the "repaired or replaced Products and <br />Document Sots, or (b) Bentley advised Subscriber how to operate the <br />Products so as to achieve the functionality described in the Document <br />Sets. <br />4.04. Exclusion of Batangas, IN NO EVENT SHALL BENTLEY AND <br />ITS LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS BE .LIABLE TO <br />SUBSCRIBER FOR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL <br />OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, REGARDLESS OF THE <br />NATURE OF THE CLAIM, INCLUDING WITHOUT <br />LIMITATION LOST PROFITS, COSTS OF DELAY, <br />INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF USE, INABILITY TO <br />ACCESS ONLINE SERVICES, ANY FAILURE OF DELIVERY, <br />COSTS OF LOST OR DAMAGED. DATA OR <br />DOCUMENTATION, OR LIABILITIES TO THIRD PARTIES <br />ARISING FROM ANY SOURCE, EVEN IF BENTLEY HAS BEEN <br />ADVISED, KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE <br />POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. BECAUSE <br />SOME STATES /JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW FOR THE <br />EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR <br />CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE <br />LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO SUBSCRIBER, <br />4105. Disclaimer. Subscriber acknowledges thattlie Products are not hand. <br />tolerant and Have not been designed, manufactured or intended for <br />rise and will not be used in the development of weapons of mass <br />destruction, as on -line control equipment in hazardous environments <br />requiring fait -safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear <br />facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic <br />control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which <br />the failure of the Products could lead directly to death, personal <br />injury, or severe physical or environmental damage. Subscriber <br />further acknowledges that the Products are not substitutes for <br />Subscriber's professional judgment, and accordingly, neither Bentley <br />nor its licensors or suppliers are responsible for Subscriber's use of <br />the Products or the results obtained from such use. The Products are <br />intended only to assist Subscriber in its business, and are not mean to <br />be substitutes for Substation's independent testing slid verification of <br />stress, safety, utility or other design parameters. <br />Nate S 12 <br />25A -12 <br />