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BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />General Terms and Conditions <br />Exhibit B <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />4.06. Limitation of Bentley Liability. IN THE EVENT THAT, <br />NOTWITHSTANDING SECTIONS 4.01, 4.02,4.03, 4.04 AND 4.05 <br />OF THIS EXHIBIT B, BENTLEY IS FOUND LIABLE FOR <br />DAMAGES BASED ON ANY BREACH, DEFECT, DEFICIENCY <br />OR NON- CONFORMITY IN A PRODUCT, IN SELECT SUPPORT <br />SERVICES, OR IN ANY OTHER SERVICE OR <br />MATERIALS,WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR <br />OTHERWISE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ANY <br />REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS OF 1T$ ESSENTIAL <br />PURPOSE BY LAW, BENTLEY'S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY <br />HEREUNDER SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE PAID BY <br />SUBSCRIBER FOR (i) SUCH PRODUCT, (it) A ONE-YEAR <br />SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SELECT PROGRAM, OR (iii) SUCH <br />OTHER DEFECTIVE SERVICE OR MATERIALS, AS THE CASE <br />MAY BE. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT <br />ALLOCATE THE RISKS BETWEEN BENTLEY AND <br />SUBSCRIBER. BENTLEY'S PRICING REFLECTS THIS <br />ALLOCATION OF RISK AND THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY <br />SPECIFIED HEREIN. <br />4.07. Indemnification by Bentley. Bentley shall pay any damages finally <br />awarded against Subscriber based an a claim against Subscriber that a <br />Product which is developed and owned by Bentley infringes a third <br />party's copyright carder the laws of a Berm Convention signatory <br />country, or results in a misappropriation of a third party's trade secret, <br />in the Country where Subscriber has been authorized to piece the <br />Product subject to Stich claim into Production Use, if Subscriber <br />provides to Bentley: (a) prompt written notice of any such claim, (b) <br />all available information and assistance, and (c) the opportunity to <br />exercise sale control of the defense and settlement of any such claim. <br />Bentley shall also have the right, at its expense, either to picture the <br />right for Subscriber to continue to use the Product or to replace or <br />modify such Product so that it becomes non - Infringing. If neither of <br />the foregoing alteratives is available on teems that Bentley, in its <br />sole discretion, deems desirable, Subscriber shall, upon written <br />request from Bentley, mmnt to Bentley the allegedly infringing <br />Product, in which event Bentley shall refund to Subscriber the price <br />paid by Subscriber for each copy of such returned Product, less <br />twenty percent (20 %) for each elapsed year since the commencement <br />of the license for such copy. Bentley shalt have no liability and this <br />Indemnity shat not apply if the alleged infringement is contained in a <br />Product which is not developed or owned. by Bentley or is due to <br />modification of the Product by Subscriber or the combination, <br />operation or use of a Product with other software that does not <br />originate from Bentley or if Subscriber is in breach of this <br />Agreement. Bentley shall also have no liability, and this Indemnity <br />shall not apply, for the portion of any claim of infiagement based on <br />use of a superseded or altered release of a Product if the Infringement <br />would have been avoided by the use of a current, unaltered release of <br />the Product. In no event shall Bentley's liability hereunder to <br />Subscriber exceed the license fees paid by Subscriber for the <br />allegedly infringing Product. This Section 4.07 sets forth Subscriber's <br />sole remedy for intellectual property infringement, <br />Expert Controls, <br />The Products have been manufactured or developed in the United <br />States of America and accordingly may be subject to U.S. export <br />control laws, regulations laid requirements, Regardless of any <br />disclosure made by Subscriber to Bentley of an ultimate destination <br />of the Products, Subscriber must not export or transfer, whether <br />directly a indirectly, the Products, or any portion thereof, or any <br />system containing Such Products or portion thereof, to anyone outside <br />the United States (including further export if Subscriber took delivery <br />of tha Products outside the United States) without first complying <br />strictly and fully with all export controls that may be imposed an the <br />Products by the United States Government or any country or <br />organization of nations within whose jurisdiction Subscriber uses the <br />SEL002520- 1/0005 6/11 <br />Products. The countries subject to restriction by action of the United <br />States Government are subject to change, and it is Subscriber's <br />responsibility to comply with die United States Government <br />requirements as they may be amended from time to time. Subscriber <br />shall indemnify, defend and hold Bentley harmless for any breach of <br />its obligations pursuant to this Section. <br />U.S. Government Restricted Rights. <br />If the Products are acquired for or on behalf of the United states or <br />America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities ( "U.S, GovemmenP'), <br />it is provided with restricted rights. The Products and accompanying <br />documentation am "commercial computer software" and "commercial <br />computer software documentation," respectively, pursuant to 48 <br />C.F.R. 12.212 and 227.7202, and `restricted computer software" <br />pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 52.227- 19(a), as applicable, Use, modification, <br />reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of the <br />Products and accompanying documentation by the U.S. Goverment <br />are subject to restrictions as set forth in this Agreement and pursuant <br />to 48 C.F.R. 12.212, 51227-19, 227.7202, and 1852.227 -86, as <br />applicable. <br />Term; Termination <br />7,01. Term, This Agreement and Subscriber's SELECT Program <br />subscription shall become effective on the Effective Date, and shall <br />continue for an initial term of twelve (12) months (unless Attachment <br />1 provides for a longer duration of the initial term), and shall <br />automatically renew for terms of like tenure unless either party gives <br />notice of its election to not renew the totan . at least thirty (30) days <br />prior to the expiration of the dem- Current tern. <br />7.02. Termination for Material Breach. Either party may, at its option, <br />munitions this Agreement in the event of a material breach of this <br />Agreement by rho other party. Any Stich termination may be effected <br />Duly through a written notice to the other party, specifically <br />identifying the breach or breaches an which termination is based. <br />Following receipt of such notice, the party Orr breach shall have <br />twenty-one (21) days to cure such breach or breaches, and this <br />Agreement shall terminate in the event that such cure is not made by <br />the end of such period; provided,. however, Bentley shall have the <br />right to terminate this Agreement immediately If Subscriber breaches <br />any of its obligations under Section 3 of this Exhibit B. The failure of <br />Subscriber to pay an outstanding invoice of Bentley shall always <br />constitute a material breach orthis Agreement. <br />7.03. Insolvency. If, under applicable insolvency laws, Subscriber becomes <br />unable to pay its debts or becomes insolvent or bankrupt or makes <br />arrangements with its creditors, or otherwise goes into liquidation, <br />admudstratiou or receivership, then Bentley shall have the right to <br />terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice. <br />7.04. Consequences of Termination. Upon the termination of this <br />Agreement for any reason, all of the rights and licenses granted to <br />Subscriber in this Agreement shall terminate immediately. Will, <br />respect to any perpetually licensed Products, the terms and conditions <br />set forth ill the license agreement delivered with such Products and <br />the Definition of Use shall govern Subscriber's . use of such Products. <br />Subscriber shall immediately discontinue use of SELECT Oldine. <br />7.05 Reinstatement Following Termination. Following a termination of <br />the SELECT Program, Subscriber may reinstate such services only if <br />Bentley consents to such reinstatement and Subscriber pays to <br />Bentley, in advance, a SELECT reinstatement fee, in all amount to be <br />determined in Bentley's sole discretion, such amoral not to exceed <br />the amount of all fees that would have accrued and been payable, <br />excluding discounts, for the period between the date of termination <br />and the date of reinstatement. <br />Pilau 9 of 12 <br />25A -13 <br />